RINOs in rage to rescue!

I'll be in New Jersey all day today, from which I'll return physically exhausted.

However, the Raging RINOs carnival has been posted at Fistful of Fortnights:

the party is really kicking it. There is a mass quantity of eating and drinking, laughing and scoffing, smoking, fighting, and dancing. Bullies, bucks, and pickpockets prowl the premises, while law enforcement keeps a keen eye over all, buffoons (OTHER buffoons, plague have at them!) making their brawls at their own booths....
As usual, all the RINOs did a great job, and here are a few posts that stood out for me:

  • SayUncle reads the Riot Act to the people who want to disarm New Orleans citizenry at a time when they most need toi be armed:
    It’s troubling to me that in a disaster/crisis, this is the response by the powers that be. Disarming good and otherwise law-abiding people in a time of need is unacceptable. So, is every future disaster going to result in disarming citizens?
    Makes about as much sense as disarming the military when the country is under attack.
  • There's a related post by Nick Schweitzer:
    we have a group trying to encourage criminals to do something only law abiding citizens would do, and in the other instance we have a group restricting the rights of law abiding citizens in order to prevent crime.
  • Noting that only 13% Americans blame Bush for Katrina, Don Surber senses "Bush Fatigue":
    With each passing wave of Blame Bush, people get sleepier.
    I was already fatigued, but this latest -- blaming Bush for "thousands" who died and were eaten by alligators -- it's just too much, and absurd beyond words. On top of that, Don utters the reactionary thought that "John Roberts isn't the Great Satan." (Have anyone verified that he doesn't have filed-down horns?)
  • Don't miss the Commissar's post (great maps, BTW) about New Orleans and the mismanagement of the Mississippi River. Apparently, human tinkering has trapped a problem which would have gone away:
    In some particularly strong flood year, the Mississippi would have burst through its natural levees, sought out a new, lower course to the Gulf, and left the old rivercourse high and dry, a ridge snaking across the plain. That would have been the New Orleans area today, absent the flood control and navigation structures of the Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Once again, an excellent Carnival.

    RINOs rock.

    posted by Eric on 09.13.05 at 09:15 AM


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