Hurts so good ...

That blonde Brillo pad (whom many swear by, but just rubs me the wrong way), Ann Coulter, has a little jingle reminiscent of one often bandied about in lefty circles, though this is far more clever:


The rest of what she's got to say is as incendiary as ever, but a few salient points should not be overlooked:

When ace reporter Michael Isikoff had the scoop of the decade, a thoroughly sourced story about the president of the United States having an affair with an intern and then pressuring her to lie about it under oath, Newsweek decided not to run the story. Matt Drudge scooped Newsweek, followed by The Washington Post.

When Isikoff had a detailed account of Kathleen Willey's nasty sexual encounter with the president in the Oval Office, backed up with eyewitness and documentary evidence, Newsweek decided not to run it. Again, Matt Drudge got the story.

When Isikoff was the first with detailed reporting on Paula Jones' accusations against a sitting president, Isikoff's then-employer The Washington Post -- which owns Newsweek -- decided not to run it. The American Spectator got the story, followed by the Los Angeles Times.

So apparently it's possible for Michael Isikoff to have a story that actually is true, but for his editors not to run it.

Why no pause for reflection when Isikoff had a story about American interrogators at Guantanamo flushing the Quran down the toilet?

And this:

Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas justified Newsweek's decision to run the incendiary anti-U.S. story about the Quran, saying that "similar reports from released detainees" had already run in the foreign press -- "and in the Arab news agency al-Jazeera."

Is there an adult on the editorial board of Newsweek? Al-Jazeera also broadcast a TV miniseries last year based on the "Protocols of the Elders Of Zion." (I didn't see it, but I hear James Brolin was great!) Al-Jazeera has run programs on the intriguing question, "Is Zionism worse than Nazism?" (Take a wild guess where the consensus was on this one.) It runs viewer comments about Jews being descended from pigs and apes. How about that for a Newsweek cover story, Evan? You're covered -- al-Jazeera has already run similar reports!

I think I could get used to this ...

posted by Dennis on 05.18.05 at 10:07 PM


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The Newsweek story is true. Therefore, all of this is nonsense.

blogesota   ·  May 19, 2005 07:59 AM

Baghdad Bobesota has spoken!

Dennis   ·  May 19, 2005 08:10 AM

One niggling technical question: have you checked Ann "Brainstem" Coulter's "salient points?" She has been known to lie, not only in the text of her books, but also in the footnotes that are supposed to show exactly where the facts came from.

And what, exactly, do you "think you could get used to?" Allowing people like Ann Coulter to poison substantive debate about US policy with hyper-emotional rhetoric, automatic name-calling ("liberal media!"), pig-ignorant blame-games, and blatant distortions, omissions, and misrepresentations of material fact?

And one more niggling pedantic question: do you really think that trashing Newsweek for reporting a story that's been all over the place since 2002 will really repair the damage done to our image abroad? Do you really think that Muslims, moderate or not, are buying any of this?

Raging Bee   ·  May 19, 2005 11:14 AM

I could get used to being amused and not taking myself, Ann Coulter, or blogging too seriously.

It's a nice break from dry French prose on post-classical didactic poets.

Dennis   ·  May 19, 2005 11:46 AM


i take it your quips about 'hyper-emotional rhetoric' and 'automatic name-calling' ('Ann "Brainstem" Coulter'?) were tongue-in-cheek?

E   ·  May 19, 2005 11:51 AM

I *love* Ann Coulter! Her entire shtick is using the bad behaviors of the Left against them. Fargin' comedy is what it is- especially becoz it leads to such dyspepsia on the Left. There's a reason she grins all the time, boyos.

I'm just waiting for her to make a Mikey Moore-style 'documentary'. LOL

urthshu   ·  May 19, 2005 12:51 PM

E: I'll have you know my name-calling is NOT "automatic;" I worked long and hard on my epithets. Don't you feel the loving care I put into each one?

Raging Bee   ·  May 19, 2005 01:28 PM

Her entire shtick is using the bad behaviors of the Left against them.

Well, I guess that's easier than trying to be better than them...

Raging Bee   ·  May 19, 2005 01:29 PM

Well, I guess that's easier than trying to be better than them...

*snicker* They've been shoving their arrogant crap down the throats of others for so long, the taste is foreign to them when it comes back at 'em. Gotta love it...

urthshu   ·  May 19, 2005 02:22 PM

Oh yes, of course, "the Left" have been "forcing" everyone to listen to them, whether we like it or not. Would you care to specify which "leftists" have been shoving what crap down whose throats during the twelve years of Reagan and Bush Sr., the Bush Jr. years, and/or the six preceding years of Republican control of the Congress?

The right's manufactured victim-mentality gets phonier every day...

Raging Bee   ·  May 19, 2005 02:59 PM

Annti-American Coulter

I am sick of Ann Coulter. I am sick of hearing about how shocked she is to have people protesting her whiny, wildly inaccurate, gasbag approach to journalism. I am sick of her outlandish accusations that the media is the liberal devil incarnate. And you know what else? I am sick of her fabricated patriotism.

Today, Yahoo News picked up her latest epithet “Newsweek Dissembled, Muslims Dismembered.” Arguing that Newsweek was wrong to sit on “newsworthy” stories about Clinton’s sex life and then turn around to rush a *potentially inaccurate* story about members of our military desecrating the Koran (I mean, certainly there have NEVER been cases of renegade soldiers abusing their powers), Coulter suggests that Newsweek editors are part of a liberal conspiracy.

She argues that the story about interrogators flushing the Koran down the toilet, “even if it were true,” should probably be censured in an attempt at "protecting the national interest." Not that ours is a nation of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Indeed, according to Coulter, the American Press should show the world how truly un-xenophobic we are by running stories about the plights of American Christian missionaries in the Middle East.

Golly gee, wouldn’t Americans be much better liked and the world a happy, gumdrop paradise if our journalists were to stop investigating the wrongdoings of our Government and borrow from Coulter’s cavalier brand of cultural sensitivity? Surely Coulter gems of wisdom like “News magazines don't kill people, Muslims do,” references to “Islamic savages,” or the assertion that she “view(s) ancient Buddhist statues as outrageous provocation” is the path to international peace and prosperity!

Unlike Ann Coulter, I am a real patriot. Why? Because as sick as I am of seeing her melodramatic, dribble I believe in her right to tell her story. Ironically, it seems that members of the so-called “liberal press” are better patriots than Coulter, too, as they publish her criticism of them and demands that they censure themselves.

The truly frightening scenario for me is not that the media is fallible, but the possibility that Coulter’s legions of fans actually think the way that she does. That Coulter’s writing and speeches give credence to racism, hate, and hysteria. I fear that the conservative movement – with spokespeople like Coulter - has fallen so far that they no longer recognize the values of our country, let alone the difference between truth and deception.

Debra Rosen   ·  May 19, 2005 03:36 PM

They've been shoving their arrogant crap down the throats of others for so long, the taste is foreign to them when it comes back at 'em.

Um..."arrogant crap" like what? Do you have a single example or do you just copy what Ann sez? Speaking of toilets, the discourse is heading down there.

David Howe   ·  May 19, 2005 04:17 PM

Translation: The US magazine "Newsweek" had to retract a story about the desecration of the Koran in the military prison Guantanamo under massive pressure from the US government. The journalists have now received support for their report from the International Red Cross.
Geneva - A representative of the Internation Red Cross said today that it has informed the US authorities that members of the American military had abused the Koran. Such cases had occurred in the years 2002 and 2003, have since, however, been stopped, said the IRC representative Simon Schorno.

David Howe   ·  May 19, 2005 04:51 PM

"America"!!!!? What about free money for the 51,662 women who are polluted in Vieques every single day by our Murderer-in-Chief? The Repimplicans STOLE the election? I believe, I am not one of Bill O'Reilly's choirboys.

Smitty   ·  May 20, 2005 07:32 AM

I support the President, the War Secretary, and the General, and the General's wife. Victory to our Western Catholic Civilization!

I support the President, the War Secretary, and the General, Dawn and Wanda, AND the General's wife. Victory to Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist savior of Western Catholic Civilization!

Eric Scheie   ·  May 24, 2005 08:04 AM

The last three posts indicate that the quaaludes I dumped in the Libertarians' water supply are taking effect. All is in readiness for the Stalinization fo America! MYOOHAHAHAHA!

Raging Bee   ·  May 24, 2005 02:35 PM

The style of those last three posts!

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