The past is passed

After a lot of time wasted getting hopelessly lost in the outskirts of Tulsa, Oklahoma (they really don't do a good job with signs, and the whole system is under construction in that area), I finally put in some decent driving, and right now I am in Amarillo, Texas, and I've got decent wirecard connectivity.

It's late and I haven't eaten much and need to walk Puff, who's just been fed, so there's not much time to shift gears and do a regular post (or even to read, for which I really wish I had more time).

But I snapped a couple of hurried shots from the car.

While I was lost in Sapulpa, Oklahoma (near Tulsa), I saw a haunted looking Victorian, which just screamed for attention:


(So I paid attention before the light changed.)

I also liked this old bank building, which might not be haunted, but which radiated better days in the past:


Finally, the sunset along Route 40 was one of the fieriest I've seen in a while. It lit up the prairie even after setting, and I was able to snap a photo at 75 mph. (The truck is moving in the opposite direction.)


That's pretty much what happened today.

MORE: In other news, journalism (or what passes for it) seems to be imploding with this report (via InstaPundit) which I wish I had time to read. The deterioration began with Watergate. That started an inexorable process in which regular reporting turned into sanctimonious investigative journalism, which led to saving the world, which led to "advocacy journalism" which gave us Howell Raines, Dan Rather, Mary Mapes, and company.

And finally, here's a controversial political question I've thus far been able to avoid. Politics!

posted by Eric on 01.10.05 at 11:04 PM


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» Road scholar from
Eric Scheie of Classical Values drove through these parts yesterday, and squeezed off a couple of good shots from the older (and more interesting) part of Sapulpa, plus one nicely-evocative... [Read More]
Tracked on January 11, 2005 08:45 PM


Excellent photographs once again. That second one is very sad, I always hate to see a business gone out of business. But the third one, the sunset, is sublime. I just finished reading that book on Romanticism.

Good luck. Great pictures. I'm always haunted by old buildings, what they are and the life that was. It's almost still there. At least that's what I try to see.

J. Peden   ·  January 11, 2005 06:44 AM

Good luck. Great pictures. I'm always haunted by old buildings, what they are and the life that was. It's almost still there. At least that's what I try to see.

J. Peden   ·  January 11, 2005 06:44 AM

Good luck. Great pictures. I'm always haunted by old buildings, what they are and the life that was. It's almost still there. At least that's what I try to see.

J. Peden   ·  January 11, 2005 06:44 AM

Good luck. Great pictures. I'm always haunted by old buildings, what they are and the life that was. It's almost still there. At least that's what I try to see.

J. Peden   ·  January 11, 2005 06:45 AM

And even more good luck. I was afraid that was happening.

J. Peden   ·  January 11, 2005 06:45 AM

In that first picture... there's

Heheheh. Just wanted to add to the "haunted" feeling. I think it's actually a chimney.

B. Durbin   ·  January 11, 2005 11:37 AM

I love the colors in the third picture. And the feeling of the house in the first.

The Evil Cub   ·  January 11, 2005 11:01 PM

Somehow those signs on that old bank building make it look like it was a restaurant instead, which makes it look more sad to me. That house looks like you could just walk right into it, like you could go in there and visit a friend, and yet at the same time it looks like nobody has lived there for years. A weird ambivalence. The sunset is still spectacular. The lights on the truck look like they could be houses or something in the distance. They all bring back memories....

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