The enema of my enemy?

Not all Communists are bad people!

Check these pictures out.

Very, very funny!

And while you're at it, read about America's love affair with elitist defecation.

(Via Comrade Justin.)

MORE: The more I think this over, the more it appears that the comrades over at ComradesforKerry.Com have just as much right to lay claim to being the shining stars of Communism as anyone. That is because it is now the official line that true Communism has never existed, and that the Soviet and Chinese varieties were simply aberrations. (A fact grudgingly acknowledged even by the capitalist Wall Street Journal.) In any event, Communist or not, those regimes fell. So I'm with CommunistsforKerry as the true heirs of Marxist thought! Raise high the banner!

Hey, there's a power vacuum on the so-called "left," and the fact remains that someone has to lead the great proletarian masses! I realize some readers may not like my choice, but who ever said that proletarian dictatorship was a democracy?

MORE: Communism: "There's nothing LEFT of it. We'll get it RIGHT this time."

posted by Eric on 09.02.04 at 04:10 PM


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