Ignorance is Strength

Here's an excellent argument against having kids: a schoolteacher working for American defeat who believes that her public school students should be indoctrinated with socialist doctrines.

And here are teachers who lost their jobs for trying to answer students' questions. (Via Glenn Reynolds.)

Lesson? Don't have children, and don't teach!

It is unreasonable to expect teachers who are being dumbed down to offer their students anything other than what is expected of them. Students who don't pay attention to their drivel are being forcibly drugged, and parents who resist are threatened with jail. (And the police who arrest them are also being dumbed down; the latest trend is to limit officer IQ.)

In order to teach, one must first obtain a degree in "education", which usually means having to learn Newspeak. Students who used to be graded on their ability to read and understand English are now given passing grades in "language arts," while an "honor student" often means a student who simply attended his classes and wasn't a truant. Of course, in some jurisdictions they're but the latest trend is to abolishing honor rolls entirely.

Why would so many teachers be creating an educational system in which only the rich can afford a decent education for their kids?

posted by Eric on 06.09.04 at 09:52 PM


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I'm glad I don't have any children. And I'm glad I was a child when I was, went to school when I did. We had good schools. The public schools today are a Communist sewer.

You're right, and it's getting worse. I wish all the people opposed to it could unite around the common cause of saving the educational system (as opposed to fighting over their personal agendas.)

Eric Scheie   ·  June 10, 2004 12:06 PM

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