Just a few "erroneously" dropped words

Not that anyone cares about facts, but I love the way they become such a joke -- especially during a last minute, campaign smear feeding frenzy.

It seems that "a few words" disappeared from Schwarzenegger's reported comments from 30 years ago -- but now they have been "found." The source claims he is "amazed" -- and can't understand how it happened:

Mr. Butler said the book proposal had erroneously dropped a few words from a quotation attributed to Mr. Schwarzenegger. According to Mr. Butler's reading of the transcript, Mr. Schwarzenegger followed his comments about Hitler's public speaking by adding, "But I didn't admire him for what he did with it." He did not say, "I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it," as he was quoted in the book proposal and in early editions of The Times.

Mr. Butler said he could not explain the inaccuracy. "I am amazed that something like that escaped me."

Aren't you amazed too?

In the process, "didn't admire" became "admire." Never mind such things as the the details of what Arnold actually said. Moralistic outrage is more important.

We know Arnold is bad!

So typical of these mean-spirited conservatives to quibble over grammatical trifles (such as whether their candidate said the opposite of what was reported as fact) at a time like this!

In a few days, the details will be forgotten. All that will remain is the myth that people want to remember.

I should be too cynical to care. I can't believe I'm still getting annoyed by yet another round of fervent moral lectures based on "facts" which turn out to be "erroneous."

(Possibly this reactivates old childhood trauma: I never got over having been subjected to moral lectures about lying, involving an "erroneous" story about a cherry tree....)

posted by Eric on 10.04.03 at 04:16 AM


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Or, as George Washington said in the Treaty of Tripoli (1796), "...the government of the United States of America is founded on the Christian religion..."
Oops! Did I leave out a few words? Like, uh, "not in any sense"? Still the same, isn't it?
And I sure like that commandment in Exodus 20:14 that says "Thou shalt commit adultery." Oops! Did I leave out a word? And I was having so much fun.

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  October 5, 2003 10:01 AM

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