Taking serious thinkers' serious thoughts seriously

I don't know whether this remarkable piece of Megan McArdle bashing deserves some sort of serious response by some sort of serious thinker, but this post is not the former, nor am I the latter. (For her part, McArdle has cleared up at least one misunderstanding -- something about a Watermelon Martini, which I know nothing about, but I'd probably enjoy, because I have diverse tastes.)

As for serious thinking, don't look at me; my libertarianism boils down to opposing socialism and opposing the metastasized class of adults who want to treat other adults like children. These days, libertarianism simply comes down to telling unelected, government-loving bureaucrats to just fvck off and leave me alone. Stop trying to take away my guns, my money, my sexual privacy, my dog's ovaries, my right to defend myself, eat what I want, drive my car, the stuff I used to take more or less for granted as a birthright... Just, you know, generally stop telling me what to think and how to live. It is serious, but not in the sense that it requires much explanation or thought.

I'm pretty sure that McArdle's critics at Sadly No! don't believe there is such a thing as serious libertarian thinking anyway, for the simple reason that they consider libertarianism a dirty word.

I'm skipping over the post's complaint about Glenn Reynolds skipping over the "arrogant gang of torture criminals," not because I'm into skipping over torture or because I'm too shallow to understand that torture hurts people and stuff, but because I wanted to focus on the post's primary purpose, which is to vent some righteous leftie anger over something worse than real torture -- the fact that Megan McArdle was invited to a liberal event. (A crime almost as bad as inviting a homo to a conservative event, which would draw fire from the angry gay loons and the angry anti-gay loons.)

That people need to vent is undeniable. That's why there's talk radio, and blogs, and blog comments. I vent too, although I like to think I make an effort not to hyperventilate myself into a state of hyperoxia.

So I'll start (as breathlessly as I can) with Sadly No!'s characterization of the "Shorter Megan "Jane Galt" McArdle"

* Whee! I am like a giant elf who loves discussing things!
Nex comes an incriminating picture of McArdle, captioned "McArdle +/- gingertini = Milton Friedman^-10" followed by this:
All that's really missing is the links from Matt Yglesias, Ezra Klein, and other serious thinkers.
(Hint: they don't really mean the "serious thinkers" part.)

As I said, the purpose seems to have been mainly to open up comments for venting -- in this case self-congratulatory venom directed not against conservatives, but libertarians (or "glibertarians"). The central argument is that they, the "glibertarians" (especially Megan McArdle and Glenn the torture skipper) are not "serious thinkers."

At no point is "serious thinker" defined (and the fact that I'm even posing the question means I wouldn't know one if I saw one). But I suspect that in the context of this post serious thinkers are, simply, those who agree with Sadly No! and its commenters.

A sampling (this one's from a blogger):

I don't think most libertarians had a very good preschool education. You know, the part where you are taught compassion and sharing...
Actually, I was indoctrinated in a steady diet of communitarianism, and altruism was beaten into me. Eventually I overdosed. And when that happened, no one was there to make me go to reeducation.

Hey, speaking of education, here's a serious spelling revelation for those who hate Glenn:

Instapundit...instapundit...hmmmm...rearranged doesn't it spell: in'nat stupid?
Really? I thought it was "Stud in Paint." Silly me!

Here's one that'll stop the glibbies dead in their tracks:

Libertarian = arrested development.
Ouch! (If you're a libertarian homo, this means you're a victim of double-arrested development. Sort of like you were stopped before you even started developing. Prearrested! Put me in day care now before it gets worse!)

If these were all just anonymous commenters, it wouldn't be fair to say that the represent the liberal champions of "serious thinking." But many of the commenters appear to be bloggers. Well-established bloggers. Serious thinkers all.

Like "HTML Mencken" (BTW, a Sadly No! writer with cool-name-to-better-attack-libertarians), who thinks McArdle should never have been invited because she's an "awful person":

Ok, Andrew. So you're giving free airtime, as it were, to the glibertarian viewpoint (as if it deserves the gift, and as if that position could not be well-imagined by your readers if left unstated), nevermind that you're pretty misguided in thinking that your readers benefit from its ventilation. But did it have to be represented by her?

Couldn't you get someone from Cato? Or some Randroid from the Peikoff Group? Couldn't you get someone who did not advocate beating anti-war protestors with 2 x 4s? You know, there are several glibertarians who aren't quite *that bad*...

Look. You could have asked Jim Henley or someone from his blog, and that would have been respectable. But, no: you asked this awful person McArdle instead. Because she's of the clique and apparently Julian Sanchez (the other glibertarian in the club) wasn't available.

Later, an amplification:
Steve Gilliard and Jim Capozzolla -- liberals who happened to be right about Iraq & etc. -- died from lack of funds but the clique of liberals who weren't right is alive and well-paid and enabling wingnuts. It's a big steaming pile of shit on any sense of justice and it's right here in our back yard, so to speak.

Blogger Marita takes umbrage at the idea that someone might consider her a libertarian:

What does this have to do with me? I'm all for mandatory seminars on sharing and compassion for libertarians. I'm just not sure they'd do any good.
That's probably why the comments abound with loving nuggets like "empty-headed, lazy, and casually vicious," "won't bother to learn anything about anything" and "McArsehole." Mandatory seminars won't do any good, especially with stubborn assholes like me who no longer care, and absolutely refuse to engage in serious thinking.

But wait! Marita holds out hope that serious thinking might be a possibility. But only under certain conditions:

"Perhaps when Ms. McCardle writes something that isn't completely ridiculous we'll focus on more substantive criticisms of her work."
But meanwhile, another commenter thinks she's filthy and stupid! And (sadly yes!), sociopathic!
It boggles my mind how anyone can enjoy the filth she writes. Sure, it's wrapped up in shiny bows but it's still filth.
Megan is a self absorbed twit who doesn't know even the first thing about economics. What she does know is how to translate her sociopathy into econ-speak but she isn't bright enough to hide it. Like her position on torture, or her lifeboat ethics in regards to health care or just about any other topic that she comments on. What you get with Megan is a box with nice foil wrapping and pretty bows and happy faces. When you open it and look inside all you see are dead bodies.
The comments go well beyond attacking Megan McArdle, though. They're especially angry at Andrew Golis (whose appearance is repeatedly derided) for inviting her:
Mr. Golis, if reading McArdle's blog-writing has led you to believe she's a "very smart" person, your taste sucks tiny green harbles. And if you've awarded McArdle that status based on some other attribute -- such as her engaging real-world personality, or the fact that a once reputable magazine gives her money, or the faint hope that if you put out for her she'll introduce you to her (a)cuter friends -- then you've verified HTML Mencken's theory that McArdle's blogging success is based on the lowest forms of "networking".
That last serious thinker concludes by calling Andrew Golis a "lazy little Ivy-League punk." And another proclaims very thoughtfully that Golis is "two razor swipes away from having a Wingnut Facial Mullet." Naturally, much fun is made of McArdle's appearance, and in terms many would call crassly sexist.

I really should read the leftie blogs more often. They remind me that the disease of taking things too seriously is a universal human condition and not limited to the left or the right. They also remind me that adults who want to treat other adults like children can be downright childish.

(Me, I gave up taking my inner child seriously, but that's probably why I'm not a serious thinker.)

posted by Eric on 09.08.07 at 12:46 PM


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If you ignore the schoolyard hair-pulling aspect of this (which I'm not sure you can), she makes an odd target for lefty attacks.

She's appeared for a while to be in the midst of the kind of Democrat-acculturation that Republican pols and pundits and right-wing thinktankers go through when they go media native, and with fewer and fewer exceptions, she's taking conventional-media-wisdom positions, but padding them out with libertarian-sounding show-reasoning. Eventually, that show will end.

I don't like it, because there aren't enough libertarians, and she is making them look glib-by-association right now, by pretending and failing still to be one. But if I were a Democrat I would like it, and I would let her shrinking unorthodoxy pass without comment -- or even feign encouragement of it, for strategic anti-libertarian reasons. If history and psychology are any guide, that unorthodoxy will be gone soon enough.

As an increasingly ex- fan of her stuff, this whole episode is just sad, and there's no lesson in it, except "leftists are assholes," which duh. But that isn't going to stop her becoming one.

guy on internet   ·  September 8, 2007 02:55 PM

I dunno. Why even pretend that these leftist troll swarms are worth engaging on an intellectually serious level. One of my blogging colleagues was subjected to a similar attack as McArdle from Sadly No or another leftist blog of like style. (IIRC, my colleague, a political conservative, offended the leftist bloggers by discussing her gay friends and by suggesting that leftist gays might reconsider their leftism given the Left's poor record at opposing radical Islam.) All of the leftist commenters but one ignored the substance of my colleague's argument and restricted their communication to insults. The one commenter who was almost civil became rude and insulting after a couple of back-and-forths in the comment thread. It was obvious that these people were interested in attacking class enemies to bolster their group solidarity and not in any kind of rational exchange. Why even respond to such people?

Jonathan   ·  September 9, 2007 01:15 AM

I am also an increasingly ex-Megan fan, though I still agree with her on a number of issues. She has gone native, though, now that she's in the big media. Her views on Bush and the War have gone left. Economically, she seems to be still somewhat conservative.

Her commenters on the Atlantic, though, consist of a number of lefty trolls. I've gotten in arguments with them on several issues, but they always end up reminding me of the old adage, "Even if you win an argument on the Internet, you're still retarded"...

"Whee! I am like a giant elf who loves discussing things!" strike me as a not-unreasonable description of Megan... but I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm not sure what lefties have against Elves, but they obviously have no problem with people who love discussing things.


Earnest Iconoclast   ·  September 11, 2007 12:24 PM

I love the bit about inadequate preschool. It reminds me of the communitarian mania for "Everything I need to Know I learned in Kindergarten"; like the only real problem with the world is that we're not nice enough to each other. Well, I learned that I hadn't learned it all the first day of first grade. I also learned that I needed to keep learning. Eventually I learned not to believe everything I hear.

SuperMike   ·  September 12, 2007 01:45 AM

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