First they came for the cigarettes....

If, as Al Gore says, Global Warming is "the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced," (a ludicrous contention IMO), then why aren't Al Gore and his minions letting ordinary Americans know what they have in store for them?

As I've tried to point out in a couple of posts, if human meat consumption is the number one cause of Global Warming, then why is there so much silence surrounding America's obvious "addiction" to meat?

And if this is the "most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced" should there be any internal combustion cars on the road at all?

Why aren't more environmentalists calling for an outright ban, like author Edwin Black?

"These [cars with internal combustion engines] are the cigarettes of individual movements. These are the cigarettes of technology. These are eight-cylinder cigarettes. They are killing us....


Congress and the administration can make up for lost time, Black said, if they "tobacco-nize" the industry. Just as the government can legislate that smoking is not permitted in public buildings, so too, he said, can it prevent certain vehicles from driving on certain roads.

"The government owns the complete infrastructure for automobiles -- every road, every highway, every alley is government-owned," Black said, adding that such authority gives the federal government the ability to dictate what forms of fuel should be located alongside the roads and which cars should be allowed on them.

Internal combustion vehicles "should not be permitted on the road. They should be taxed out of existence right now," Black said.

If it's really "the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced," then Black is right.

A most peculiar situation. You'd almost think that most of these people didn't believe in their own rhetoric.

Either that or they're hiding their agenda.

And I'm supposed to trust them?

posted by Eric on 03.04.07 at 04:05 PM


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Hmm, tobacco-nize the car industry eh? I guess that would mean massive subsidies and taxes at the same time, a propaganda push about how many millions of people are killed by cars, and ultimately a huge legal settlement designed to effectively regulate the car industry in such a way that people think the car industry has lost while new companies are permanently kept out of the market.

Yeah, I suspect the Senators from Michigan would support that.

Jon Thompson   ·  March 4, 2007 05:51 PM

The inconsistency between (1) the nightmare message of Al Gore and the Hollywood crowd and (2) the profound limitations of their proposed solutions to global warming is the thing that bothers me the very most about the whole Global Warming hoopla.

Tim Blair pointed out that showing Gore's film to children could be psychologically damaging because it produces feelings of helplessness. I would be willing to charge schools with child abuse if they show this film without allowing someone to point out that the nightmare scenarios like New York City under water should not concern children, as they are not even supported by the new UN intergovernmental panel summary.

An MD in our town helpfully suggested that we should show "An Inconvenient Truth" to Cub Scouts. What, exactly, does he think eight-year-old Cub Scouts would be able to do to save the world from global warming? My best guess is that they could reject the recycling programs promoted by Cub Scouts and limit their recycling to aluminum. This could help reduce the net carbon pollution inherent in other forms of consumer recycling during the critical 10 years Hollywood says we have to save the planet.

KarenT   ·  March 6, 2007 05:22 PM

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