Why hypocrisy shouldn't -- but does -- matter

As I have repeatedly been unable to ignore the following quote from Glenn Reynolds, I'm going to fail to restrain myself once again:

If Gore were less moralistic in his approach -- as he gains weight, he's even starting to look a bit like a younger Jerry Falwell -- the charges of hypocrisy would have less bite.
And as I pointed out last time, even if "Gorewell" lost weight, he might still look Haggard!

That's because of the hypocrisy factor.

In most day-to-day situations where we are supposed to be responsible but fall short of what we should do, a little "hypocrisy" doesn't matter. For example, as I discussed yesterday, my dog Coco is in heat, and it is my responsibility to control her genitalia in such a manner that nothing untoward happens. But if I didn't live up to my responsibility, and Coco got knocked up by the fox who's after her, would that mean that I shouldn't then be able to urge other people to control their animals and their animals' genitalia?

This would seem like an easy question, but it's clouded by public perceptions about what we call "hypocrisy."

I don't see why it would be hypocritical for a drug user to advise people not to use drugs. Frankly, I think he would have more, not less, credibility than someone who had never used drugs.

I can remember when William Talman (who played Hamilton Burger, the DA in Perry Mason) was dying of cancer he made a public service ad warning people not to smoke as he had. The idea that this would constitute "hypocrisy" is absurd on its face.

Even today, if a well-known anti-cigarette crusader were discovered to be hooked on cigarettes, I don't it would hurt his credibility, nor would he be accused of hypocrisy. But on the other hand, if the head of an "Ex-Gay" ministry were busted in a mens room for soliciting an undercover officer or photographed doing something compromising in a gay bar, he'd be laughed out of the "Ex Gay" business.

What's the difference? Is it that there aren't any militant smokers who run around "outing" furtive closeted cigarette puffers? Or is it that cigarette smoking does not generate moral indignation, but gayness does? No, that can't be it, because being gay is good, and smoking cigarettes is bad. Maybe neither one is a moral issue. No, that can't be right either, because lots of people on both sides believe very passionately that morality is involved.

While I've complained about the conflation of morality with health, there's a lot of it going on anyway. The anti-gay activists like to compare homosexuality to smoking, but I've examined the comparison carefully, and it just doesn't withstand logical analysis. Whether anti-gay activists like it or not, cigarettes are still seen almost solely as a health issue and the only morality involved has to do with where people should be allowed to smoke.

Like it or not, the moral issues draw the hypocrisy charge, not the health issues.

That's why the preachy-scoldy Al Gore, caught in his wildly gluttonous energy use, has set himself up for the charge of hypocrisy. He's like an anti-gay fundamentalist minister caught in bed with a young male prostitute. The thing is, neither Gore nor the minister are prohibited from continuing to preach against the respective ills they condemn. The problem is that they have damaged their credibility, because let's face it, if you don't practice what you preach, people who find that out are just not going to take your preaching as seriously as they would if you did -- unless you admit that you fell short, and (preferably after admission into some sort of program) you solemnly promise not to do it again. Obviously, it is not in the interest of preachers to make such damning admissions.

Not so fast.

I just realized that I have made yet another unfair comparison. Al Gore is really not like the anti-gay preacher caught with the young man; he's worse. That's because those who preach against sins of the flesh recognize that human weakness is involved, and they concede that to those who have such a sinful attraction, it can be irresistible.

While some (including President Bush) have referred to our oil use as an "addiction," I don't think most reasonable people believe that oil consumption is an addiction in the ordinary sense of the word, and that he used the term as political hyperbole. If you doubt me, imagine what would happen if Al Gore tried to claim that he used too much energy because he was "addicted" to it. Stand-up comedians would be making jokes about admitting him into treatment centers run by Greenpeace, and he'd never live it down. He's therefore stuck holding the hypocrisy bag. And worse yet, if his own rhetoric is to be believed, he's guilty of heating up the planet. The closeted gay minister has heated up nothing except his angry congregation, and hell, unlike Gorewell's "carbon offsets," there's simply no such such thing as a homo offset that you can buy -- and I doubt there ever will be. (Not to complicate things unduly, but there actually is such a thing as a homo offset. But they're very technical things, and not intended for misbehaving preachers.)

Meanwhile, of course, the fact of Bush's eco-friendlier home gets almost no media play. If the roles were reversed, imagine the outcry. Actually, Don Surber (via Glenn Reynolds) imagines it pretty well:

If Al Gore were a Republican, the story of his consuming 20 times the national average while lecturing the rest of us on cutting back on our energy use would be front page news from coast-to-coast. Late-nite comedians would have a field day. The editorial pages would puff up about Republican hypocrisy.
They certainly would. Gore has really been asking for this and the blogs are having a field day at giving it to him. Glenn also links Creative Destruction:
Those policy preferences - limit carbon, mandate the use of certain technologies, restrict land use, etc. - all seem to entail increasing governmental control over the economy. Mr. Gore's actual motivation would appear to a fair-minded observer to be a desire to increase government power in the economic sphere - and environmental concern over global climate change is simply the convenient rhetorical tool to flog in the service of that agenda.

Mr. Gore is of course free to advocate for whatever policies he wishes. However, those of us who would bear the burden of his policies are also entitled - in our mindlessly swarming way - to think that his rhetorical flourishes are so much organically-composted, locally-grown, carbon-neutral BS.

Not only is that great, but it touches on one of my pet Gore peeves, which is....

Sorry, there, but "pet Gore peeves" slowed me down for a second, because it just Doesn't. Look. Right. It's more than a pet Gore peeve actually, because it's a pet peeve I have with the whole global warming mindset and I don't think it's getting enough attention in the MSM.

The issue, simply, is human meat consumption -- said by the official data to be the biggest greenhouse gas culprit of them all. That this is being downplayed makes me think Creative Destruction is right that "the desire is to increase government power in the economic sphere," and that they're using whatever rhetorical tools are most convenient. As I said, if this were really the emergency it is claimed to be, it would be easier (and less damaging to the overall economy) to curtail meat production than to prevent people from consuming oil. The former is not a necessity, but the latter is. I think that the reason meat is downplayed as an issue is because oil is a more convenient scapegoat. People just love to hate big oil. But Americans simply aren't ashamed to eat meat; the morality against meat-eating is too new, and few Americans buy into it. The environmental movement, IMO, lives in deadly fear of looking ridiculous. And if they demanded that Americans stop eating meat, Americans would think they were ridiculous. The irony is that curtailing meat production is a sensible demand, if their thesis is valid, which I don't think it is.

Once again, the failure to scold Americans properly about their meat consumption makes me think (to quote Creative Destruction again) that they're just seeking a "convenient rhetorical tool," and that the real goal is control over the economy. And if you want to control the economy, curtailing meat production is not the way to do it -- even if it would save the planet according to your precious theory.

I keep complaining that this stuff is newly manufactured morality, because it is.

It's always a little tough to feel sorry for people who fail to live up to the morality they claim to uphold. In the case of someone who has fails to live up to the morality he has manufactured, it's even tougher.

UPDATE: For trangressors of manufactured eco-morality, IowaHawk offers manufactured (if costly) eco-repentance! (Via Glenn Reynolds.)

A real eco offset, not an eco homo offset!

MORE: Ann Coulter weighs in on Global Warming's food aspects with "Let Them Eat Tofu." (I have to say, for a Deadhead, she writes pretty well.)

UPDATE: Thank you Glenn Reynolds, for the link, and welcome all. New readers, please feel free to comment whether you agree or disagree. (No sign-in necessary here.)

UPDATE (03/04/07): Donald Sensing (my thanks for the link!) comes to Al Gore's defense (at least partially), noting that Gore lives in a older area where the houses are inherently not energy efficient:

Belle Meade is the "old money" section of Nashville, dating back to at least the 1920s and quite likely to the turn of the 20th century. Gore's house, at 10K sq. ft., is no tiny thing, but it's not exceptional in Belle Meade by any means. See the satellite photo of his house. These houses are not energy efficient as first designed and built, though I assume that they have been upgraded since. But geothermal heating and cooling, like President Bush uses in Crawford, is out of the question in Nashville. The whole region sits on limestone that goes down miles. More here.

I'm not sure what Al Gore could do to become greener in his home than he says he is - although it's fair to ask what's taking him so long. I'm willing to bet that his electrical usage is not far out of line with his neighbors. It also should be pointed out that Gore runs his business - and it's a big business, obviously - out of his house (or so his spokeperson claims), and that should be factored in.

So I think we all should take a chill pill here. There's less than meets the eye about all this. The only item that Gore's defense offers that bothers me is the carbon offsetting claim, since it forms a crutch to prop up the profligacy of energy the Gore house uses. Even so, another correspondent to Bruce Thompson thinks it is valid, and explains why. Sure, Gore could use a big dollop of humility, but couldn't we all . . .

(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

I wouldn't have a problem with Gore if he wasn't being such a damn scold. While I'm sure Sensing is right that there's not much to do to improve energy efficiency in older luxury homes in Belle Mead, if Gore wants to talk the way he does (about how this is "the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced"), then why dosn't he set an example for the rest of us peons he wants to scold, and simply move? (I think he could afford it.)

I understand and appreciate Donald Sensing's argument, but I still think this is pretty basic stuff. If you're going to take issue with me for burning gas in my Toyota, and I see that you're driving an Oldsmobile Toronado or a Hummer, don't expect me to take you seriously. (And, I guess, depending on the volume of your scolding, it might also be a good idea to think about letting go of the Rolls Royce too. Oh the pain!)

If you're against waste, don't waste. And if you do waste, don't waste my time scolding me.

(HT, M. Simon.)

posted by Eric on 02.28.07 at 08:16 PM


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Thank you very much for the link, and even more so for the kind words.

Readers interested in a possible further instance of Gore hypocrisy - or maybe even lying, not sure - might want to read


as well.

Robert   ·  February 28, 2007 10:31 PM

Left-wing hypocrisy is par for the course. In fact, the louder a leftist is, the more hypocritical they are :

Ted Kennedy : Calling others mysoginistic
Nancy Pelosi : Is wealthy through marriage, yet rails against big money Republicans.
Al Sharpton : Calls others racist
Barbara Boxer : Talks about racial prejudices
George Galloway : Openly took bribes from Saddam.

Read here for effective tactics on how to win debates against Leftists. This is great for the office or social gatherings.

Tommy   ·  February 28, 2007 10:47 PM

I claim a point of pedantry: a slight disagreement on carnivory. The methane production from cattle comes mostly from their being unsuited ecologically and genetically to the range; what they are fed is a far cry from the grass of the steppes and forest clearings; and what they are is a far cry from the aurochs, so the modern successors most of us eat digest inefficiently. This was not true of bos premigenius in its natural habitat, and is not true of game, which has evolved in parallel to the places where it flourishes. What the enviroloons should call for is people eating only the meat they hunt. I would say, "Don't hold your breath," but then if you've ever herded cattle, you spend quite a bit of time trailing along behind them wanting to hold your breath.

Simon Kenton   ·  February 28, 2007 11:24 PM

Robert thank you!

Tommy, I'm forwarding that link to a friend in need.

Simon, that's a good point. The enviros are also forgetting that before the cattle there were millions of buffalo. And if cow methane is a global gas, what about buffalo methane?

Eric Scheie   ·  February 28, 2007 11:49 PM

The worst that can be said about your hypothetical hypocritical anti-gay or anti-cigarette activists is that they are hypocrites; even if they are right about the dangers of smoking or sodomy, they are only hurting themselves.

The best that could be said about Gore is that he is a hypocrite; if he is right about the magnitude of the danger of climate change, then he is knowingly endangering all life on earth. He's not like an anti-cigarette activist who secretly smokes; he's like an anti-cigarette activist who's secretly Marketing Director at Philip Morris.

bgates   ·  March 1, 2007 01:04 AM

Let me throw a different metaphor at you.

The cigarette smoker harms only himself (I'm ignoring second hand smoke, but it's my metaphor so go with me for a moment.)

In the eyes of the born again preacher, the homosexual is harming himself. He's bringing about his eternal damnation.

But according to the Goracle, people who emit CO2 in large quantities aren't hurting themselves, they're hurting everyone else. So a better metaphor is the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving getting arrested for blowing .28 on a breathalyzer, or an HIV positive "Safe Sex" advocate donating blood to the Red Cross.

Gore isn't just using 10 times as much energy as the normal house. He's using twice as much per square foot, while living in the relatively temperate state of Tennessee - which, last time I checked, isn't nearly as cold as Minnesota in the winter or as hot as Arizona in the summer.

If he really has already insulated (he's just completed a huge remodel, code demands that all the new construction be insulated) and he's changed to effecient lighting - what the hell is he doing with all that power? Growing a huge hydroponic pot garden?

Svolich   ·  March 1, 2007 01:47 AM

I'd go a step further:

The pants down preacher has only his congregation to deal with (and God, if you're inclined to believe that).

Being unable to successfully wage the battle of temptation doesn't mean you shouldn't try (or that it is always impossible) or not a good idea.

The preacher isn't submitting Bills to Congress to make other people abide by laws/rules he can't follow himself. He's not advocating a treaty that would prevent businesses from being able to operate in the same manner he is.

When you want to use the strong arm of the state and demand that others control/curb their behavior, then you better be willing to demonstrate that it is feasible, reasonable, and applies to you!

Nothing was more irritating than when Sarah Brady used the Evil Loophole to buy her son a hunting rifle, while arguing against the loophole she used herself.

Then there's Diane Feinstein who has armed bodyguards, but votes to prevent private citizens (who can't afford bodyguards) to own a gun to protect themselves. Walk around unarmed and unguarded and see how it feels!

These are the same types of hypocrisies because they involve the state's power. If you won't live the way you want to require others to live, then shut up.

Mrs. du Toit   ·  March 1, 2007 02:59 AM

Great post.

Mister Snitch!   ·  March 1, 2007 07:04 AM

I think you make a rational argument, and I was about to give you some credit and bookmark you, but then I saw that you linked to Ann Coulter and immediately I had a change of heart. Anyone that links to Ann for anything other than to point out what a loon she is cannot be taken seriously.

John C.   ·  March 1, 2007 09:07 AM

Like snitching (which, of course, isn't a sin at all), hypocrisy is a crime that most deeply offends the inner child in each of us. Children nearly always want things to be exactly as their parents and teachers say they are. We crave order in a scary world and are quite taken aback when we discover that things aren't quite as we were led to expect. That there could be exceptions to hard and fast rules. Such things offended our childlike need for certainty, especially when combined with our adolescent inclination to rebel against authority figures:

"How dare Mom not let me stay out late, when she and Dad came home tipsy last night?" "Dad took my pot, but I know for a fact he used to get high." "They're both just hypocrites."

As adults, we eventually learn to expect hypocrisy and not be overly shocked by it. Indeed, we even recognize the need for a bit of it from time to time, else too many disagreements would end as fights to the death.

That's doesn't hold true on the internet, of course. Here, everything is clean, black and white, and if you don't agree with me you must be evil or stupid. Or hypocritical. Thus we turn full circle and unwittingly recapture our childhood where everything is so because we say it should be. Here a disagreement is ample excuse to throw a tantrum, insults far and wide, as if that proves our reasoning is sound. And if you don't believe we, why, then I'll hold my breathe until I turn blue.

Trashhauler   ·  March 1, 2007 10:12 AM

I'm partial to Jonah Goldberg's articulation of hypocisy as a mid-level, not-so-important value:

"Hypocrisy is bad, but it's not the worst vice in the world. If I declared "murder is wrong" and then killed somebody, I would hope that the top count against me would be homicide, not hypocrisy. Liberal elites, particularly in Hollywood, believe that hypocrisy is the gravest sin in the world, which is why they advocate their own lifestyles for the entire world: sleep with whomever you want, listen to your own instincts, be true to yourself, blah, blah, blah. Our fear of hypocrisy is forcing us to live in a world where gluttons are fine, so long as they champion gluttony."

kreiz   ·  March 1, 2007 10:24 AM

Trashhauler writes: as adults, we eventually learn to expect hypocrisy and not be overly shocked by it. Indeed, we even recognize the need for a bit of it from time to time, else too many disagreements would end as fights to the death. BINGO. I wrote something similar on another site yesterday- just didn't say it as well. The politics of personal hypocrisy is tedious, and ultimately leads us nowhere. We need to get over ourselves and move on.

kreiz   ·  March 1, 2007 10:29 AM

There is a difference between actions that are only occasionally in conflict with what one tells others to do and a consistent pattern of saying one thing and doing another. It would be no big deal if Al Gore's energy usage was consistently low relative to the size of his house except for a few months of high energy usage. If he was using solar energy to heat his mansion, for example, people would cut him some slack for a high gas bill for an unusually cold and cloudy month.

George B   ·  March 1, 2007 11:28 AM

An excellent, closely-reasoned post, and many of the followup comments were wise as well. I think you make the necessary distinctions clearly.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  March 1, 2007 11:59 AM

Re the meat consumption idea: Actually, we should be encouraging meat consumption on a wide scale. After all if successful, we would be reducing the source of the problem (cattle) on a wider scale, would we not?

Fred Beloit   ·  March 1, 2007 12:11 PM

Good piece, but you may want to rethink the phrase "human meat consumption".

Sam   ·  March 1, 2007 02:52 PM

There is also the factor that someone else's hypocrisy is then used to disparage other's who do live up to their claims.

I am not a perfect man by any means but I am an "ex-gay" in the sense that same sex attraction does not define who I am or determine how I behave (relationally or sexually.)

Randy   ·  March 1, 2007 03:40 PM

The Goracle has stated that all of our children and grandchildren will be dead and civilization will end in 10 years if drastic measures are not taken to reduce co2.

If the Goracle really believe's what he states, and still produces hundreds of times the amount of co2 as the average person, wouldn't that make the Goracle one of the greatest mass murder of all time? Here is a guy who wakes up every day and produces 100's of times the amount of co2 that he believes will result in the death of his children and grandchildren.

Can anyone come up with the name of an environmentalist that doesn't produce co2 at serveral times the amount they believe will result in the earth's destruction?

The only one I can think of is the Unabomber, but I can't remember his name.

mark   ·  March 1, 2007 07:49 PM

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