"Coulter cash" skirts McCain-Feingold?

While writing a previous post on global warming (in which I tried to avoid unfair comparisons), I was surprised to discover the existence of something called a "homo offset."

Of course, I was contrasting Al Gore's ability to buy carbon offsets to atone for his conspicuous consumption with the unavailability of any similar offset for anti-gay preachers wishing to atone for their um, promiscuous consumption.

But I was joking.

What's come up now is deadly serious, and it might even be illegal.

Via Glenn Reynolds, I now see that it is possible to purchase homophobia offsets. It's called "Coulter Cash" and it's just a click away.

The thing is, I've been speculating for some time about how Ann Coulter wants the left to win, and if you think about it, having Hillary Clinton as president really is in her best economic interest. Hence, my conclusion has been that in the long-term, Ann Coulter wants Hillary to be president.

So why, then, would she be helping Edwards? (I might have to make some adjustments on my tin foil hat, as I don't think it's receiving properly.)

Might she be getting secret kickbacks from the Edwards team? Has anyone audited Ann Coulter?


Perhaps Coulter knows that Edwards has no chance of winning, but that he's a stalking horse for Hillary so this represents an indirect way of skirting McCain-Feingold.

Still, we all know that McCain-Feingold was supposed to prevent all such disguised forms of fund-raising. Has Ann Coulter really found a loophole, or will her dissembled campaign contributions have to be properly reported?

Shouldn't there be some sort of independent investigation?

UPDATE: I am not alone in wondering about Coulteral collusion. Here's Roger L. Simon:

...the Democrats should love Ann Coulter. Nearly every time she opens her mouth, she helps them get elected.
Again, isn't it time for a little financial disclosure?

posted by Eric on 03.05.07 at 09:21 AM


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Hot Air has posted a fundraising letter from the Edwards campaign, so this "Coulter Cash" thing is not just a joke. They're really running away with it.

The great irony here, and Classical Values rightly recognized this in an earlier post, is that there are infinitely more vulgar people than Coulter actually employed by the Democratic Party, whose statements are not only more outrageous but actually promoting violence, and whom no one expects to apologize for anything. (If we did, they would no doubt sniff self-righteously about free speech in their blogs).

So far as I'm concerned, this whole scenario simply shows how much civility has become a big chunk of patronage to be doled out among favored political constituencies, rather than a basic courtesy of political discourse.

S Wisnieski   ·  March 5, 2007 12:09 PM

Which reminds me, why is the Disney movie, "Song of the South," still not released to DVD?

Alan   ·  March 5, 2007 12:57 PM

Oops, I meant that to be posted on the next topic featuring the HRC audio clip.

Alan   ·  March 5, 2007 01:01 PM
Eric Scheie   ·  March 5, 2007 01:39 PM

It is clear that you have stumbled upon the "Coulter of Corruption" that Nancy and the rest of the Drews were obsessed with prior to gaining their thrones in November.

Brian   ·  March 6, 2007 06:56 PM

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