Judging not, lest I be judged . . .
Whiskey is always a cruel tyrant and is a worse evil than chattel slavery.

-- Carry Nation

Speaking of cleaning up filth, the following is from the autobiography of Carry Nation:

....after Mass I went into the house of the priest's and asked for him. He could not be found but two priests tried to make excuses and treated me well. Said they smoked. I told them God said for them to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh. That they were making provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. I said: "What a shame for a man to dress like a saint and to smell like a devil!"

One thing I have noticed -- that the Catholic schools taught by the Brothers are saturated with vile tobacco smoke. I would not like to send a son to such a place for that reason alone. There are many things I like about the Catholic church, but why, oh, why is it so silent as a general thing on the liquor traffic? Why are so many of its members in this devil's work? Oh! what a retribution will be theirs when it will be proven that instead of clothing the naked they have robbed children of clothes. Instead of feeding the hungry they have allowed them to starve because their bread was taken to buy drink. They sent souls to prison and did not minister to them!

Carry Nation. Just slightly ahead of her time.

Her autobiography is rich, and loaded with wonderful anecdotes and pictures.

MORE: In what was obviously a sign of the times, Carry Nation was mocked by callused brats at Yale.

posted by Eric on 05.03.05 at 04:26 PM


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