Philadelphia threedom!

This morning I broke with my usual routine after an email from Sean Kinsell invited me to join him and fellow blogger Tom Brennan in Philadelphia.

What a treat! Tom is one of the great ones, whose writing skills I have long admired -- but from afar. I'm rather shy, and this is only the second time I've actually met a real blogger. As it turned out, none of us had met other bloggers before. (Well, I once attended a lecture delivered by a rock star-type blogger, but that's a little different.)

Tom led us to an Indian restaurant so good (and so reasonably priced) that it deserves a plug, so if you're ever in Philadelphia, by all means try Samosa Indian Vegetarian Restaurant.

After we ate and were getting ready to leave, I realized that if I didn't have a group shot of this occasion I'd be kicking myself for days. My camera has a timer setting, and as I was trying to balance the thing precariously on a railing so I could set it off and then jump into the picture, a nearby customer took pity on me, and here's the result:


Yeah, the layout, focus, and lighting need work, and there should be something in that niche on the wall, but the spirit is there, and I am not about to Photoshop tasteful wall decorations into an informal luncheon snapshot.

Sean had a gift for Tom; some beautifully packaged green tea from Japan. I made Tom and Sean slow down the tea presentation ceremony while I whipped out my camera (despite protestations that it might look like a drug deal was in progress).


(So far as I know, green tea is still legal in every state.)

After that Tom had to go back to work, while Sean spent a little time sightseeing before continuing his travels.

UPDATE: Many thanks to Glenn Reynolds for kindly linking to this post -- especially for recognizing the need for limits.

But now I'm thinking about the wall decorations at Jessica's Well, and I'm wondering.... Maybe she got the picture right. (You know, parallel universes and all that.)

Welcome all InstaPundit readers!

UPDATE: A missing wall decoration has been found:


It's, um, tasteful (if not tofurkey).

MORE: In a post called "Where Is the Outrage" AgendaBender offers grim warnings about the future of the Gay Industrialized World. And something about a problem with painful spikes! (Heads will roll....)

And they're closing in on poor Sean, who's beginning to discover what he was missing in Japan!

posted by Eric on 11.29.04 at 05:43 PM


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Three very good-looking MEN. Almost makes me wish I was a man's man. Tom Brennan is an excellent writer -- his _style_!

But -- uh-oh! Dawn warns that green tea may lead to marijuana. And -- uh-oh! Dean Esmay says that "...since those demanding this [free and transparent elections in the Ukraine] have chosen the color orange to represent them, we proudly display an orange in their honor." He says "Idea inspired by Secular Blasphemy"!

Secular Blasphemy? Orange? Lodges? The Beatles? Uh-oh! Beware! Beware!

Got a link to this site while on

So, I decided to post it on

Thanks Guys,

Steven G. Erickson aka Vikingas

Steven G. Erickson   ·  November 29, 2004 09:55 PM

Nice pictures and a nice blog - I'm part of the Insta-deluge you'll be experiencing soon. I like this site; I'll be back! :-)

TheAnchoress   ·  November 29, 2004 09:55 PM

Jaysus. Who's the total fag in the argyll sweater?

BTW, would it have been necessary to PhotoShop in a wall decoration if we'd all been in morning coats? Just wondering.

Sean Kinsell   ·  November 29, 2004 11:43 PM

Why I haven't been to Samosa I have no clue. I mean, it's like two minutes out the door from work and I've been working there for 2 1/2 years now. Plus, I'm the straight guy whose favorite bar is Sisters, so I'm always walking by there. (Sadly though, my former co-worker drinking-buddy now works for the Equality Forum so we are not able to go drinking nearly as much...)

Nathan   ·  November 29, 2004 11:43 PM

"(So far as I know, green tea is still legal in every state.)"

And jes' how much of it did ya'll smoke? J/K, of course.

Tig   ·  November 30, 2004 12:45 AM

So now I finally know what both Sean and Eric look like.

I'd never heard of Tom Brennan but you've made me curious.

Ack. I give up. Too many blogs! Too! Many! Blogs!

Dean Esmay   ·  November 30, 2004 12:58 AM

Hee hee. Thanks all. (Hope business picks up for that little restaurant, as I don't know how they get away with an excellent all-you-can-eat buffet lunch for five bucks.)

Dean, most likely you've run into Tom's blog, AgendaBender.

Sean, you said nothing about morning coats before. Nor did you mention that you'd be wearing an argyll sweater, which is the height of fashion this fall. If I'm not more careful, I'd almost qualify for help from that TV show whose name I refuse to remember.

I'll have another hit of that "tea" please....

Eric Scheie   ·  November 30, 2004 08:56 AM

Samosa is a good restaurant. Go there. Eat. Be happy.

Eric Blair   ·  November 30, 2004 09:27 AM

"Sean, you said nothing about morning coats before."

Well, it was the most formal thing I could think of for that hour. Of course, it would have been kind of overkill for an Indian buffet. Anyway, just wondering what your PhotoShop threshhold was. And is there some clip-art book of tasteful wall decorations even available?

"Nor did you mention that you'd be wearing an argyll sweater, which is the height of fashion this fall."

Blech. Then I'd better put it away for a few years. There's nothing like living in Tokyo to put you right off even the most desultory trend-watching.

"If I'm not more careful, I'd almost qualify for help from that TV show whose name I refuse to remember."

Well, here's hoping that never comes to pass. They'll try to manscape you, and then you'll have to deck 'em.

Sean Kinsell   ·  November 30, 2004 10:01 AM

I still say the best-looking man by far of you three is Eric Scheie. Too bad I don't look like him. What a MAN! He looks like a Hellenic or Roman warrior. Classical Values.

One thing I'm very glad of is that you are MEN'S MEN, and therefore will stay away from any women I am attracted to. All my motives for supporting, glorifying, and sanctifying homosexuality, both male and female, are totally selfish.

Three REALLY HOT GUYS--especially the guy on the right (presumably, the "total fag" in the argyle (sp?) sweater....

yum. Who's who?

Richard Easbey   ·  November 30, 2004 04:38 PM

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