SPAMARREST.COM (another cross to bear?)

Here's a very annoying development: SPAM coming from a company whose stated purpose is -- you guessed it -- fighting SPAM!

I was just startled to receive the following email, from someone I do not know, and have never heard of [note: this was in response to an email I sent, but to someone else on the list, so it was not an ordinary SPAM]:

Xxxxxxx here,

I'm really sorry about this inconvenience. I get scads and scads of junk mail, and I'm trying to regain control of things. I know this message seems a little bit like spam itself, and I'm sorry about that. I know some people hate "whitelist" solutions like this one. All I can say is that if you got as much spam as I do, you'd consider things like this to.

Don't worry, you only have to do this once.

Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails. You won't have to do this again.

You are receiving this message in response to your email to Xxxxxxx, a Spam Arrest customer.

Spam Arrest requests that senders verify themselves before their email is delivered.

When you click the above link, you will be taken to a page with a graphic on it. Simply read the word in the graphic, type it into the form, and you're verified.

You will only need to do this once per Spam Arrest customer.

Webmasters help stop spam and make 50%.

Here's the thing; I don't want to do this at all! It is extremely rude for a stranger to be sending email like this, and the only reason I haven't emailed him back is because I am on a master email list which (I believe) sends copies of every email to everyone on the group list.

But what really teed me off is that after I was kind enough to visit the stupid web page and enter their stupid word, next I got the following solicitation from the damned anti-SPAM company:

Thank you for verifying your email address with Spam Arrest!

Your email has been forwarded to Xxxxxxx's inbox. All of your
future emails to Xxxxxxx will also be delivered directly into
their inbox.

You can protect your own email account using Spam Arrest.

Please visit our website to learn more, and signup for your
fully-functional, 30-Day, Free Trial!

Spam Arrest - Take control of your inbox!


Webmasters help stop spam and make 50%.


This I do not like. I don't want "spamarrest" to have my email address, and I did a little research, and found that the company has a proven track record as -- yes! -- spammer! (Via OnePeople, via Politech)

I guess the above is what I can now expect, because I was stupid enough to be nice.

To hell with being nice -- and to hell with I am posting this so maybe someone can learn from my mistake.

Don't use the services of this company to stop SPAM.

Unless you want to lose friends.

And make enemies.

posted by Eric on 12.12.03 at 07:32 PM


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You must really be a nice guy, Eric, to be so innocent. Anyone who sends unsolicited commercial mail is a spammer. Anyone. And these "anti-spam" spammers are in some ways the worst. It's pure extortion, a protection racket.

There are, however, some honest (non-spamming) firms that provide a useful service--screening your email and requiring return registry before letting anything through. KnowSpam is spoken of highly by knowledgeable people. If my spam load gets much heavier (about eighty a day right now), I may have to try it out.

Alan Sullivan   ·  December 14, 2003 07:50 AM

P.S. They already HAVE your address, so why worry that you gave them your address? At worst, you only confirmed that you're still using it.

Alan Sullivan   ·  December 14, 2003 07:53 AM

Not quite that nice, actually! The email was in reply to an email I had just sent to a group, and it was from one of the individuals on the list. (I am not enough of an idiot to respond to a regular commercial email....) I removed his name and email address from the post because he is a real person who was actually foolish enough to SUBSCRIBE to this service, and I am sure he wouldn't want to be slammed in a blog.

Eric Scheie   ·  December 14, 2003 09:08 AM

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