What would Mahathir Mohamad do?

At least one leading blogger is sympathetic to Saudi Arabia acquiring nukes:

If you were SA what would you do? The only deterrence to preemption is having the thing it's trying to preempt.
I can only assume he'd apply the same thinking to nukes in Iran.

(Or, if you were Saddam Hussein what would you have done?)

Instapundit, on the other hand, took a very different view:

We should topple the Saudi government before allowing it to get nuclear weapons. A nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia would be a bigger threat to world peace than North Korea.
I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Instapundit was shut down yesterday while others defended Saudi nukes....

But if you were Saudi Arabia, what would you do?

(If you were Mahathir Mohamad, what would you do?)

posted by Eric on 10.22.03 at 06:36 AM


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If _I_, as Steven Malcolm Anderson, were Saudi Arabia, I'd throw off Islam and go back to the ancient polytheistic, Goddess-worshipping faith of my ancestors.
But if I were _Saudi Arabia_, such as it is, I'd just go on stoning and burning women to death as always. Saudi Arabia is the Nazi Germany of the Axis of Evil, the very core of the terrorism we're fighting. I'm glad Instapundit has woken up to that. I wish Bush would, but I doubt that he's going to, which is one of the reasons why he won't be getting my vote next year. (Howard Dean looks like the best bet so far, both pro-gun (or not anti-gun) and pro-gay and lesbian.)

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  October 22, 2003 07:17 AM

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