More unbigoted bigotry against bigot-bashing bigots!

Via the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire, I read about John Edwards's decision not to fire Amanda Marcotte and the other blogger who had something to do with whatever it was... rabbits from Byzantium or something.

What intrigued me the most was not Edwards's reasoning (which I found about as interesting as his hair rinse), but that of MyDD's head honcho Chris Bowers:

make no mistake--throwing two bloggers who staunchly support you under the bus as the result of pressure from right-wing bigots would hold serious and lasting repercussions.
Does that mean it would be OK if the pressure came from left-wing bigots?

Or is it bigoted for a bigot like me to call bigotry bigoted?

I'm determined to figure the rules out one way or another.

CORRECTION: It wasn't rabbits from Byzantium. I meant Shakespeare's sister but they gOtI t ALL sPELLEd WRONG ANd i wAS mixxed UP.

MORE: Via Glenn Reynolds, Beltway Blogroll reports Amanda Marcotte's fateful words:

...the fate of the world is important enough that I'm willing to play nice.
Welcome to the club, Amanda. My problem is that I was willing to play nice without factoring in the fate of the world.

But hell, I guess I should be glad she's stopped taking herself so seriously.

However, unless I am reading him wrong, Jeff Goldstein (in a must read post) is not entirely convinced of Marcotte's and McEwan's sincerity:

that both Marcotte and McEwan have assured their own personal Patriarch that they'll behave, now that he's promoted them to the grownups' table, is, to put it bluntly, one of the most pathetic public surrenderings of personal integrity I've ever seen.
While Jeff concedes that "we should feel bad for them" anyway, here's why he won't quite go so far as to say that "Jesus wept":
... I fear that would only bring about a thousand cheers from a thousand self-styled emancipated vaginas.
Yes, that would be bad.

posted by Eric on 02.08.07 at 02:24 PM


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Edwards little public humiliation of Amanda is very sweet as was her insincere playacting of "I didn't really mean to offend anyone."

It negates everything she has ever sneered about non-leftist women who she charges "let men own their vaginas."

We now know who owns Amanda's.

Darleen   ·  February 9, 2007 12:34 AM

Cheering vaginas have got to be better than talking assholes. Think of all that raw emotion pouring out.

Compare that to an intellectual screed from an orifice that would be be better off gargling with Listerine.


The Dr. Is In   ·  February 9, 2007 02:04 AM

I hope you had time to sterilize the plunger before seconding that emotion, Doctor!

Nurse Wrongway   ·  February 9, 2007 08:01 AM

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