Oh yeah, that race...

One of these days I'll have to decide which candidate will get my vote for Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate seat.

I have to say that I'm not terribly impressed with either Rick Santorum or Bob Casey, Jr. Neither one of them is aligned with my thinking on all issues. It's a tweedle dee/tweedle dum situation, and I think Sean Kinsell put it very well:

Oh, yeah: the senate race. The pandering communitarian or the pandering communitarian? Decisions, decisions.
There's not much communitarianism in me to pander to.

Of course, Santorum is way, way behind in the polls, so it's not as if either candidate really needed my vote.

Notwithstanding his culture warrior stance and rampant communitarianism, there are a few things I like about Santorum: 1. Santorum refused to fire his gay aide after the latter was outed.

2. No one pushed harder than Santorum to get Bush to use the term "Islamic fascism."

3. The Inquirer's Tom Ferrick can't stand him, and compares him to Winston Churchill. On the other hand Casey is a genuine moderate, and pretty good on the Second Amendment. I think it's very important to encourage Democrats who don't drink the activist Koolaid.

Plus, Casey is sure to win. It's always a good idea to get on the side of a winner, right?

posted by Eric on 11.02.06 at 07:01 PM


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Here I am, sitting in Florida. I have to choose between Katherine Harris (R) and Bill Nelson (D). Both are real losers.

I'm hoping that they meet in a head-on crash, at 90 mph, sometime between now and election day...

John Burgess   ·  November 2, 2006 09:50 PM

"There's not much communitarianism in me to pander to."

Yeah, that's one of the bummers about not being part of anybody's Base. No one ever goes out of his way to make me feel like a cherished, special, important voter. The only time I felt the love was in 2004, when they told us absentee voters that our ballots might actually, you know, count this time around. Gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies, though since I've always voted anyway, it didn't change my behavior.

BTW, my parents just e-mailed to say that the campaign ads on television these last few weeks have been even worse than usual. I assume they're talking about Santorum-Casey and not our local congressional race?

Sean Kinsell   ·  November 3, 2006 12:03 AM

I am ashamed to admit that I hardly ever watch television, so I can't be sure. However, I do listen to KYW traffic radio, and there are a lot of ads for Lois Murphy, who's screaming so loudly about how awful Gerlach is that she's persuading me. (To vote for Gerlach, of course.)

My ears tend to favor whoever has the loudest silence.

Eric Scheie   ·  November 3, 2006 09:38 AM

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