At least he didn't use the "P" word!

Another never-ending source of amazement for me is the nature of some of the lawsuits that manage to get filed in court. Via an email, I see that a litigious Pennsylvania woman has recently sued a boy for making the meow sound at her:

JEANNETTE, Pa. (Aug. 23) - Meow. A district judge has been asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Jeannette police charged a 14-year-old boy for "meowing" whenever he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia.

The boy's family and Carasia do not get along. The boy's mother said the family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained to police that it used her flower garden as a litter box.

The boy testified Tuesday that he only meowed at the woman twice. Carasia testified, "Every time he sees me, he meows."

Well, ain't that the cat's meow?

The boy's defense attorney says the suit never should have been filed, and while he's right, since when does being right matter?

The problem is, anything can now be considered offensive, on any number of grounds.

I wouldn't want to try oinking at people with certain religious, um, sensibilities.

And hog-calling on an airplane might really create trouble.

Personally, I think if all humor were made illegal, we'd have a funnier world.

posted by Eric on 08.25.06 at 11:20 AM


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Hey, meow.

anomdebus   ·  August 25, 2006 05:18 PM

I'm siding with Carasia. I was the target of verbal assault as a kid, and I've known verbal assault as an adult. As the old saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can drive you to suicide."

There's a lot missing from the story. Why did the family get rid of the cat? Was it a demand Carasia made, or something they did on their own? What else did the kid do? how far back does the animosity go?

Sounds to me like three parties - old woman, family, and newspaper - mishandled things. The cat was the only innocent in the affair. But, what all Carasia did does not, in any way, excuse or justify the boy's behavior. I recommend that the boy's father be taken away and beaten to a bloody pulp. Then shown to his son and the boy told, "The next time you fuck up kid, your dad will die."

Alan Kellogg   ·  August 25, 2006 10:17 PM

Alan-Seriously? For "meow"ing at an old lady? Seriously?

Jon Thompson   ·  August 26, 2006 12:05 AM

Alan-I'm impressed. Usually, I'm the one people think of as being too harsh.

Jon Thompson   ·  August 26, 2006 12:05 AM

Interpersonal insults happen all the time. Whether it's people give each other the finger for being cut off in traffic or some impertinent brat mouthing off to an adult (like the kid here, although I don't know the details.) For all we know, the woman had an unreasonable hatred of cats.

So what?

My point is that none of this stuff belongs in court. People are suing for entirely frivolous reasons, and it's getting worse.

The fact that they're trying to make a criminal charge of this is even crazier. I don't see what the age of the kid has to do with it. If meowing can be construed as criminally offensive, then what isn't?

What factor determines what is harassment, anyway? The feelings of the harassed? Anything could be seen as harassment. (Including repeated and annoying displays of aborted fetuses, or pig pictures.)

Eric Scheie   ·  August 26, 2006 08:07 AM

to the old lady:


cry a little bit why don't ya

Robin   ·  August 26, 2006 04:01 PM

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