Grabbing is silly!

Just as I failed to care about the sex life of Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, I'm equally uncaring where it comes to the sex life of Rush Limbaugh. (At least, I'm assuming that's what Viagra is used for.)

Oddly enough, I find myself in agreement with Atrios:

Grabbing people in airports 'cause they have a bottle of Viagra is pretty silly, assuming that's all it was about.
As a matter of fact, grabbing people anywhere because they have a bottle of Viagra is a pretty silly thing to do.

(Especially if you don't know them, and they've recently popped a few pills.)

posted by Eric on 06.27.06 at 09:40 AM


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Come on, you don't think its even a little funny? You know Jon Stewart will be using this every night for the next 2 months.

Adam   ·  June 27, 2006 04:06 PM

I find it hard to believe Limbaugh was using Viagra and not a similar product with less strain on the heart. After all, Rush is a fat guy, and the actual Viagra drug is really hard on blood pressure.

Jon Thompson   ·  June 28, 2006 12:53 AM

More harassment from local liberal officials.

Seems to have dropped off the news with the understanding that his doctor did the perfectly legal thing by having the doctor's name on the bottle.

Rush will roll with it.

Whitehall   ·  June 28, 2006 02:30 PM

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