Bigotry deserves respect!

Britain's George Galloway (Islamofascism's leading apologist there) is accused of pandering to Islamic anti-gay bigotry by killing a gay rights plank in his party's platform:

The reasons that Galloway and the Respect leaders killed any reference to gay rights in the party's platform -- or its electoral "manifesto," as party platforms are called in the U.K. -- are quite simple. The district in which Galloway deliberately chose to run had a huge Muslim population, and it was thanks to the votes from that population that he was able to be elected. The party "manifesto" is to be the basis for Respect's campaign in municipal elections this coming May, and the party leaders' strategy is to try to elect local city council members from ares that have high Muslim populations. Moreover, “Respect is in alliance with the right-wing, anti-gay Islamist group, the Peter_tatchell Muslim Association of Britain [MAB],” as Peter Tatchell (left) -- the veteran gay and human rights campaigner who heads the militant British gay rights group OutRage -- pointed out, adding that the party does not ally with liberal and left-wing Muslims. And, U.K. Gay News reported, "Respect’s right-wing Islamist backers demanded the axing of gay rights as a condition of their electoral support for the party."
The piece goes on to note Galloway's love affair with Islamofascism:
Galloway has long made common cause with despicable, homophobic dictators, from Saddam Hussein to Syria's Bashir Al-Assad, without ever denouncing the reign of terror and repression their despotic regimes have visited upon gay Arabs and Muslims in their own countries. Now, Galloway and the leadership of the party whose principal spokesman he is have demonstrated beyond argument that, from them, gays and lesbians can expect no....respect.
Coming as this does on the heels of Iran's execution of two gay men, I think this is another example of the moral bankruptcy of leftist multiculturalists who claim to support gay rights.

I think we can expect a similar silencing of feminist concerns about wife beating (and genital mutilation) in the future. Like dissenting gays, dissenting feminists will be told that "real feminists" should simply shut up.

MORE: I wonder how the multiculturalists would handle this sickening case:

A village council in Pakistan has decreed that five young women should be abducted, raped or killed for refusing to honour childhood "marriages".

The women, who are cousins, were married in absentia by a mullah in their Punjabi village to illiterate sons of their family's enemies in 1996, when they were aged from six to 13.

The marriages were part of a compensation agreement ordered by the village council and reached at gunpoint after the father of one of the girls shot dead a family rival.

The rival families have now called in their "debt", demanding the marriages to the village men are fulfilled.

(Via Western Resistance, from Don Surber's excellent Carnival of the Vanities.)

It's not for us to impose "Western standards" on people.

Nor should feminism ever be allowed to serve as a proxy for U.S. Imperialism!

posted by Eric on 11.23.05 at 08:59 AM


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Despicable. George Galloway and his ilk are traitors. They are the Fifth Column. All this is exactly as I have been saying. Yes, I have been called a Western imperialist warmonger, fascist, etc., for opposing female genital mutilation. Women, homosexuals, Jews, Negroes, must break with the Left.

This is off-topic of terrorism and war, but I must tell you what does earn my respect: true Christianity

After reading Christian books, thinking intensely about Christianity, and writing all these comments here and in Dean's World defending Christ, Christians, Christianity, this must be synchronicity.

I was leaving the post office yeaterday when a woman walked up to me and said: "Jesus loves you!" I said: "Thank you!" A few seconds later, she drove by in her car and said: "Excuse me. Jesus Christ loves you!" I said, again: "Thank you!" I couldn't think of anything else to say. I truly was grateful for that. What a wonderful woman.

I cannot call myself a Christian, but I am very much a Christophile, more so every day.

More than anything this just exposes how stupid lefties are. I mean you can't be a lefty and seriously think deeply about politics. If you try the cognitive dissonance will kill you.

Ahhhghhh sometimes I HATE these people!

Harkonnendog   ·  November 23, 2005 07:11 PM

Harkon: Sometimes, people get blinded by their emotions. It takes a hard heart to allow men to do what is necessary some times. A lazy man allows his emotions to wash over his logic and be lost.

mdmhvonpa   ·  November 23, 2005 11:47 PM

It used to be said that if you weren't a Leftist at 20, you had no heart. But if you were still a Leftist at 30, you had no head. Partial truth to that. But I have known plenty of young Conservative men and women who had plenty of heart as well as head. And I say that if you're still s Leftist after 9/11/2001, you have neither head, heart, nor spine.

Once again:

"It's not for us to impose "Western standards" on people."

If there are no absolute standards (values), then anybody is free to impose anything they damn well please, including slavery, rape, torture, mutilation, and/or genocide, as long as they have the might. Anything goes. "They shall take who have the power and shall keep who can."

"Nor should feminism ever be allowed to serve as a proxy for U.S. Imperialism!"

"Should", Comrade? Where do you get your "should"? If there no absolute values, then there are no "shoulds" or "should nots". Anything goes. "They shall take who have the power and shall keep who can."

If persecution and execution of homosexuals, forced marriages, and female genital mutilation are permitted, then any kind of "imperialism" -- U.S., U.S.S.R., Nazi, or Genghis Khan -- is permitted also. Anything goes. "They shall take who have the power and shall keep who can."

"If there is no God, everything is permitted."
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Exposing the contradictions of the Politically Correct. What we face is not the old "might is right" cynical amoralism of a Thrasymachus, a Machiavelli, or a Hobbes, but an entirely new phenomenon: a stridently absolutist relativism, a shrilly moralistic anti-moralism, a militantly self-righteous nihilism.

Also, someone pointed out that that the morality of the Politically Correct is a reverse Thrasymacheanism. As you have noted, all relationships, all morality, all truth, all beauty, are reduced to power relationships, master and slave. But, in this "new morality", justice is defined not the will of the stronger but of the weaker. Weakness, impotence, privation, victimhood, are identified with virtue. Strength, power, wealth, creativity, are identified with evil. This is what Nietzsche called the "slave morality", a distorted version of Christianity*. Actually, it is a hatred for all that is Divine.

*Leftists are fond of taking certain sayings of Jesus completely out of their theological and apocalyptic context and twisting them to promote their One-World agenda. Jesus was not the wimpy pacifist they like to picture, but rather He who said:

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword."
-Matthew 10:34

Far from being an altruist, He was a supreme egoist, for He said:

"For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
-Matthew 16:26

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