Let The Sunni Shine In?

Okay, so I'm old enough to remember the original. So what? It's funnier if you can remember the original.

"Age of Aquarius", anyone?

Without further ado, Iowahawk's "Age of Eurabia"...

When Mahmooooud is in the Notre Dame And prayer rugs line Versailles Then this will please the Prophet We'll get hot chicks in Paradise!

This is the dawning of the Age of Eurabia!
Age of Eurabiaaaaa!
Eu-ra-bi-AH! Eu-RA-bi-ah!
Harmony and peace abounding
all the Jews we will be hounding
No more blaspheme or derision
Imams making all decisions
Mystic Qu’ran revelations
No more homo celebrations
Eu-ra-bi-AH! Eu-RA-bi-ah!

Briiiing the Imams, bring the Imams in, the Imams in… (repeat chorus)

HT Rand Simberg

posted by Justin on 11.13.05 at 10:28 AM


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That is exactly what is happening.

There you go again! Making fun of values!

("There's some folks who don't like it, and they don't mind lettin' ye know!")

Eric Scheie   ·  November 13, 2005 01:18 PM

My Western-style values vs. the values of my enemy: the two cannot co-exist.

And, by the way, I am quite familiar with the original lyrics. "The Age of Aquarius" was from the Broadway musical, HAIR, which I saw in 1968. There was an infinity sign or two dots over the "i" in that title. Conservatives noted that that spells the French word for "hate". It was indeed a play of hate for everything conservatives love: God, Country, the military, baths, haircuts, etc.. Race-hate was preached in a song mocking Abraham Lincoln. While drugs were Romanticized, a degraded Naturalist view of sex was presented. I submit that the degenerate pacifism and nihilism extolled in that play is what made possible the current debacle leading to "Eurabia".

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