CBS is "looking into" the Joel Hinrichs/Oklahoma University bombing:

Many, Malkin included, have wondered where the MSM is on this story. As the Oklahoma Daily editorial notes, local television has covered it and a quick Google search turns up (sometimes conflicting) reports in local and regional newspapers but no major media outlets appear to have picked up the story yet. We asked CBS News national editor Bill Felling, who told us the network is looking into the story. Let’s hope so, it’s one worth airing, whatever the facts are.
Better late than never, as the saying goes.

I won't hold my breath.

MORE: Via The Jawa Report's Dr. Rusty Shackleford, I see that the Oklahoma Daily is losing patience with the sluggish federal coverup investigation:

One week and two days after the FBI began investigating the Joel Hinrichs case, the feds seemingly have stopped releasing information about what they have learned.

It’s time the FBI opened its files and provided The Daily, other media and the greater public with some of the answers it undoubtedly has, for more than one reason.

First, the public wants to know. Second, and almost more importantly, the longer this silence continues, the more students, faculty and the nation become “certain” in their “knowledge” of what has happened.

Around here (in the Philadelphia area), the "public" doesn't even know it wants to know -- for the simple reason that they haven't been given the bare rudiments of ths story.


It also appears that the Oklahoma Daily doesn't distinguish between "lies" and speculation. As always, the Jawa Report does a fine job of illustrating the problem. (I was pretty disgusted yesterday by a blatant media attempt to change the story, and I expect we'll see more such shenanigans -- without retractions.)

posted by Eric on 10.10.05 at 05:53 PM


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