Your analysis is as good as mine

What's this?

President Bush had to go to the bathroom? It's an official Reuters story, and it's linked by Drudge, so I guess this means that I'm missing what's really important about the story.

How clueless of me.

Maybe if I study the photograph carefully, I'll understand what the fuss is about:

And the caption:
U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14.

That's it! The president not only wanted to go to the bathroom, but he was caught writing a note about it! To Condoleeza Rice! At the UN!

Don't you see? Bush is, like, a total moron! A child without Ritalin who fidgets when he wants to go to the bathroom, and who has absolutely no respect for the United Nations!

(Either that or Karl Rove has engineered another deliberate provocation....)

MORE: The wording of the Drudge headline suggests that it may be Secretary Rice who needed the bathroom break:

PHOTO: President scribbling note to Condoleezza, who asks 'I may need a bathroom break'...
See how the Right Wing Spin Machine always tries to get the president off the hook?

AND MORE: In a piece titled 'Excuse me Condi, can I go to the bathroom?', the Times Online ridicules Bush's "pressing worry":

President Bush had a more pressing worry than terrorism or reforming the United Nations during a Security Counil meeting in New York yesterday - the leader of the world's only superpower wanted to go the loo.
There's a clear pattern emerging of shameless insensitivity and callused neglect of official responsibility. Previously, Bob Herbert noted that Bush dared to ride a bicycle while people died.

I can't prove it, but I strongly suspect that Bush has been eating and sleeping too.

While people died!

UPDATE: Controversy is a swirling over whether the bathroom note is a PhotoShop. Earlier Reuters said it wasn't, but now Drudge reports that they're admitting it was:

REUTERS has acknowledged Bush 'Potty Note' photo was enhanced via Photoshop...
I can't believe anyone would PhotoShop something like this. Why? It's bad enough to run a story on such a non-item on a dull day, but to PhotoShop it means that someone at Reuters truly believes that Bush wanting to go to the bathroom would be a newsworthy event.

It hardly inspires confidence.

posted by Eric on 09.14.05 at 11:24 PM


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The President of the United States had to go to the bathroom! That's an impeachable offense!

You have to love the Reuters caption as well. "but their blueprint falls short of Secretary-General Kofi Annan's vision of freedom from want, persecution and war."

Yeah? How's about freedom from Jew-bashing, graft, capitulation to terrorist thugs and socialist tyrants? How about freedom from yet another Afrothug holding power to enrich himself and his family while innocents in the poorest countries die?

grayson   ·  September 15, 2005 02:28 AM

Ah, I hear it now....

"Kofi was dissed,

"while the President [ ]...."

Steven you may be onto something there. Impeachment may be the only way to restore the dignity of the UN!

Eric Scheie   ·  September 15, 2005 09:16 AM

But you have to admit... it's kinda funny.... and it had everyone going there for a little while. That's just about as damning as anything that happens in real life.
Who passes out choking on a pretzel?

alchemist   ·  September 16, 2005 01:22 PM

What I want to know is, why is the leader of the free world using a common No. 2 pencil instead of some nice mechanical job?

Oh. No. 2. I get it.

Teri   ·  September 17, 2005 11:11 PM

Eating a pretzel when he should have been spending that money on the poor! That's another impeachable offense! I'm so offended!

No, I understand eating pretzels. I eat pretzels all the time. Thousands upon thousands of pretzels in my life. And never choked on one. Nor has anyone I know.
which makes it all the more strange that our president manages to swallow one, choke on it, and knock himself out on a coffee table.
I mean, really, what are the odds?

alchemist   ·  September 19, 2005 02:12 PM

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