Speaking of tribes . . .

Via Justin, I see that Bill Whittle has an excellent essay on the subject. Excerpt:

Only a few minutes ago, I had the delightful opportunity to read the comment of a fellow who said he wished that white, middle-class, racist, conservative cocksuckers like myself could have been herded into the Superdome Concentration Camp to see how much we like it. Absent, of course, was the fundamental truth of what he plainly does not have the eyes or the imagination to see, namely, that if the Superdome had been filled with white, middle-class, racist, conservative cocksuckers like myself, it would not have been a refinery of horror, but rather a citadel of hope and order and restraint and compassion.

That has nothing to do with me being white. If the blacks and Hispanics and Jews and gays that I work with and associate with were there with me, it would have been that much better. That’s because the people I associate with – my Tribe – consists not of blacks and whites and gays and Hispanics and Asians, but of individuals who do not rape, murder, or steal. My Tribe consists of people who know that sometimes bad things happen, and that these are an opportunity to show ourselves what we are made of. My people go into burning buildings. My Tribe consists of organizers and self-starters, proud and self-reliant people who do not need to be told what to do in a crisis. My Tribe is not fearless; they are something better. They are courageous. My Tribe is honorable, and decent, and kind, and inventive. My Tribe knows how to give orders, and how to follow them. My Tribe knows enough about how the world works to figure out ways to boil water, ration food, repair structures, build and maintain makeshift latrines, and care for the wounded and the dead with respect and compassion.

There are some things my Tribe is not good at at all. My Tribe doesn’t make excuses. My Tribe will analyze failure and assign blame, but that is to make sure that we do better next time, and we never, ever waste valuable energy and time doing so while people are still in danger. My Tribe says, and in their heart completely believes that it’s the other guy that’s the hero. My Tribe does not believe that a single Man can cause, prevent or steer Hurricanes, and my Tribe does not and has never made someone else responsible for their own safety, and that of their loved ones.

My Tribe doesn’t fire on people risking their lives, coming to help us. My Tribe doesn’t curse such people because they arrived on Day Four, when we felt they should have been here before breakfast on Day One. We are grateful, not to say indebted, that they have come at all. My Tribe can’t eat Nike’s and we don’t know how to feed seven by boiling a wide-screen TV. My Tribe doesn’t give a sweet God Damn about what color the looters are, or what color the rescuers are, because we can plainly see before our very eyes that both those Tribes have colors enough to cover everyone in glory or in shame. My Tribe doesn’t see black and white skins. My Tribe only sees black and white hats, and the hat we choose to wear is the most personal decision we can make.

That’s the other thing, too – the most important thing. My Tribe thinks that while you are born into a Tribe, you do not have to stay there. Good people can join bad Tribes, and bad people can choose good ones. My Tribe thinks you choose your Tribe. That, more than anything, is what makes my Tribe unique.

I am so utterly and unabashedly proud of my Tribe, that my words haunt and mock me for their pale weakness and shameful inadequacy.

It's great. Another must read.

Read the whole thing.

MORE: When individual initiative and responsibility are systematically undermined, and unhealthy forms of tribalism are encouraged, new tribes emerge from the ruins. Human nature is a tough nut to crack.

UPDATE: Here's Nick Packwood:

Read Bill Whittle for more about your real tribe and decide for yourself whose side you are on. It has nothing to do with with the colour of your skin, the people you fancy or even your ice cream flavour preference. It has everything to do with the difference between surviving the storm, dusting yourself off and getting on with it or watching the storm from a distance and cackling at how the sinful dead deserved their fate.

posted by Eric on 09.05.05 at 12:38 PM


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I have to say it. Next to Eric Scheie of Classical Values, and I don't know who else, Bill Whittle is the best writer in the blogosphere. It started with a series of comments he wrote on guns and freedom in Rachel Lucas's blog. His comments were so outstanding that Rachel posted them and then she helped him set up his own blog to write more such masterpieces, Eject! Eject! Eject! I continue to read him, and -- synchronicity? -- I was thinking of going over there to day, just around the time I saw this post. Thank you.

His dualism: bunny-ear Pink vs. gun-metal Gray. The style of that!

I dunno. I really like the points he makes early on with the distinction between those who find excuses and those who do. But he wanders off into fantasy territory over 9/11. And his citing of Dave Grossman, the "Killologist" is a bit out of place, considering Grossman is one of those who chooses to blame video games for a rise in violent behaviour amongst the youth; an oft refuted hypothesis which stinks of the "pinkist" idea of shifting blame to circumstance and context rather than character.

Overall, though, very cool. I will endeavour to fit myself more into the "grey" tribe of people.

nic   ·  September 5, 2005 09:15 PM

This "Pink" vs. "Gray" dualism reminds me of Thomas Sowell's dualism of the Unconstrained vs. the Constrained visions in his A Conflict of Visions. I keep seeing tie-ins to that spectrumology of his.

Whenever I think of "Pink" I keep thinking of wicked Wanda's "cute Pink room". "BLUE is for THIS girl!" dogmatizes holy Dawn.

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