No time to lose!

I don't know whether it's my responsibility to blog about such things, but I've noticed that a split seems to be developing between Atrios and Bill Clinton. Things have reached the point where the latter has been called a "wanker" by the former.

Where's the wank?

It seems Bill Clinton has been telling the Democrats what they need to do to win, and Atrios and others don't like it:

The great triangulator’s point was that Democrats can’t win the presidency if they don’t campaign earnestly among churchgoing Christians—he noted that he got 75 percent more Evangelical votes in 1996 than John Kerry did in 2004. He suggested that Roe v. Wade was the unfortunate beginning of the end of civility between left and right. He said the Democrats are wrong to deny that malpractice suits don’t drive up medical costs. And about the current war he said, “This is not Vietnam. I wouldn’t set a deadline [for the withdrawal of troops]. I agree with the president.” If anyone but him had said the same thing about Iraq, there would have been boos and hisses, as there had been the night Evan Thomas said he thought the administration had sincerely believed Saddam had WMD stockpiles.
If Karl Rove has any sense, he'd better get behind Atrios as fast as he can.

posted by Eric on 07.20.05 at 08:41 PM


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Clinton has always been a cheerful amoral bastard. I wouldn't trust him within 25 yards of my daughters in the middle of a crowded stadium ... but he is the consumate politician who has an ear for the mainstream that Left cultists cut from the warp and weave of Moveon/Kos/al-Moore et al claim does not exist.

Darleen   ·  July 20, 2005 10:22 PM

Darleen says it all about Clinton and the Democratic party. So.... What it comes down to is that Democrats are divided essentially into amoral pragmatists of the Clinton stripe vs. nihilistic collectivists of the Lord Pork Pork variety. Neither of which I want to see in the White House. I've now decided that, contra Dean Esmay and others, I no longer want the Democratic party to reform itself, go back to its old New Deal-Fair Deal ideas, and start winning again. I want it to lose. I have now turned against the New Deal completely. I want the Republican party, now divided between its Pat Robertson element vs. the remnant of the old Goldwater-style conservatives, to continue to win and then to fight out that ideological war. That sounds like I have moved to the Right on most spectra, and indeed I have. I seem to myself to have moved a degree to the Right every day ever since 9/11/2001, and it seems I will continue to do so. We need another General Horemheb.

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