Cross species contamination?

Here's Fox News chief Roger Ailes on bloggers:

"Bloggers are not only checking the accuracy of CBS, they're checking the accuracy of each other," he said. "We know which bloggers -- within a very short period of time -- are generally credible and which ones are not."
It's nice to see talk like that coming from an MSM executive, and it makes me wonder about something that's been on my mind for some time: might bloggers be causing a decrease in media arrogance?

One of the major complaints about big mainstream media is that they refuse to admit it when they are wrong. Refusing to admit error is one of the hallmarks of power. I think it might be a part of human nature. If so, are bloggers unnatural? I can think of no other group which engages in self-correction so frequently. It is one of the blogosphere's greatest strengths, although it might sometimes present problems. That is because if you're always facing criticism for what you write, and if you must as a matter of routine admit it when you are wrong, you might tend to hold in contempt those who won't. Likewise, those unable to take criticism might feel very threatened by those who face it daily as part of their stock in trade.

Fortunately, there's a permeable membrane between bloggers and the MSM.

Much contamination occurs.

I admit that my standards are low, but I think that kind of contamination is good for the human soul.

posted by Eric on 04.21.05 at 11:33 AM


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