If I hate myself, I must be wrong?

A comment from Sean Kinsell to yesterday's post about "self-loathing" made me think some more about what I said yesterday:

....[A]s for "self-loathing," you could just as easily accuse people who push their gay-gay-gayness in your face all the time (and build their entire worldview around it) of over-compensating. It's not as if there were any shortage of psychoanalytical cheap shots to go around.
The fascinating thing about self-loathing is that if we assume that there is such a thing (and obviously there is) why would it be restricted to gay conservatives? Is it not possible that gay leftists might also suffer from self loathing?

And how about heterosexuals? Liberal, conservative, moderate, libertarian... What's to stop any of these individuals from hating themselves?

It strikes me as more than a little arrogant to single out and diagnose someone as "self-loathing" without really knowing that person. In the case of Arthur Finkelstein, an assumption is being made that because he is a gay man who supports "the right wing," he must hate himself. Never mind that he has repeatedly criticized the things he disagrees with on the right; all that matters is that he is not on the left. Well, what about gays who are on the left but who feel like political pawns? If they are treated that way and accept it, why aren't they accused of "self loathing?" What about gays who are uncomfortable with supporting certain religious leaders who believe homosexuals are sinners mandated by God to be put to death? If they don't speak out and condemn antigay bigotry (and often they do not), why shouldn't they too be accused of self loathing?

I don't know why not, but in any event, I don't think "self loathing" is restricted to conservative gays. Nor is it restricted to gays in general.

Self loathing is a personal issue which ought to be between an individual and a qualified therapist (assuming he needs one).

Why apply it to politics?

And why does it seem to be applied more to gays than anyone else? (I'd hate to accuse anyone of "Neohomophobia.")

posted by Eric on 04.13.05 at 10:13 AM


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Great explanation of the hypocrisy of Clinton's comment! Used to explain the whole thing to a reader on Liberty. Thanks a bunch!

Mark   ·  April 13, 2005 01:19 PM

Any minority or gay that breaks with the liberal left is attacked in one way or another. Dr. Rice suffered the worst attacks for the crime of being a black conservative. (Her own cousin was one of those attacking her.)

Gays are usually called self-loathing if they recognize that the Democratic party is not the fountain of truth. Want smaller government? Want national defense? Not anti-American? you must be crazy in some way.

Zendo Deb   ·  April 13, 2005 04:25 PM

Why apply it to politics?

Because, during the late 60's early 70's the liberals/Democrats were subsumed by the Left and a oft repeated slogan of the era, The personal is the political became a religious tenet of the cultish Left. If one is [black, female, gay, Latino] one MUST hold left political views or one is "inauthentic." Gender-feminists were at least vocally upfront about women who didn't toe their political line as NOT being "real" women or worse, being traitors to their "sisters." Thus, no editor saw any problem with running the political cartoons of a buck-toothed Stepin-fetchit speaking Dr. Rice when they would never have approved a similar cartoon of Kofi Annan or Jesse Jackson.

Darleen   ·  April 13, 2005 09:33 PM

The racial-identity concept of "inauthentic" joined the longstanding Communist concept of "false consciousness" to illustrate that even in the 60's the left was moving towards fascism.

pst314   ·  April 14, 2005 10:05 AM

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