This pushes my button!

I never had the, um remotest idea that such a thing would happen, but alas! Glenn Reynolds is promoting a device which enables censorship.

Perhaps we should have seen it coming. After all, he has previously defended copyright-infringing technology, as well as guns.

It's a slippery slope down the remote path.

I never thought I'd be advocating such a thing, but isn't it time that we think the unthinkable and ask ourselves.....

Has the time finally come for REMOTE CONTROL?

At the very least, should the sale of television remotes to children be prohibited? Shouldn't there be a waiting period? To this I imagine the proponents would come up with simplistic slogans like:

Remotes don't turn off televisions. People turn off televisions!
Outlaw remotes and only outlaws will have remotes!

But I am not remotely persuaded by remote hypotheticals from people who don't have the remotest idea what they're advocating.

Something must be done.

posted by Eric on 03.29.05 at 01:50 PM


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I think it would be hilarious to use that device as a joke. Like during the Red Sox-Yankees series in a Boston bar.

Alexa   ·  March 29, 2005 07:58 PM

Feminists could use them to smash Superbowl sexism!

Eric Scheie   ·  March 29, 2005 09:39 PM

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