English! Sexy!

The following chart speaks for itself.


Full story here:

As Hispanic teens shed the language of their native countries and immerse themselves in American culture, they become dramatically more sexually active, a new study shows.

A review of 7,300 Arizona teenagers' behavior, which should translate well to other states that border Mexico, including Texas, found that 31 percent of Hispanic teens who speak primarily English have had sex, more than twice the percentage of those who speak primarily Spanish, 14 percent.

The key question — why? — remains unanswered.

"I wish I knew," said the study's lead author, Dr. Mary Adam, a pediatrics researcher at the University of Arizona's College of Medicine. "This is certainly something we are continuing to explore."

(Via G. Gordon Liddy.)

Does this mean we should stop teaching English in the schools?

posted by Eric on 03.08.05 at 11:37 AM


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I suspect it has more to do with the basic conservatism of recent immigrants versus those who are fully "assimilated" - English-only-speakers would typically be at least second generation or later. Also (in a more "objective" take), non-English speakers would be operating in a far less "target-rich environment".

Foobarista   ·  March 8, 2005 12:25 PM

Interesting. Hmmm.... What about French? That seems to be the sexiest language of all. Anyway....

The styles of the titles of your posts. You have better headlines than any other blogger I know of.

Someone with hispanic friends suggested it was Catholic Church non-attendance by english only hispanics.

huggy   ·  March 9, 2005 01:05 PM

Very interesting statistic, this never would have occured to me.

Spike   ·  March 9, 2005 02:18 PM

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