Hip hip hypocrisy

Boy George is complaining that Madonna is a "hypocritical homophobe" (should that be 'ypocritical 'omophobe?) for embracing the Kabbalah:

Gay pop star Boy George has slammed Madonna for embracing the Kabbalah, the mystical offshoot of Judaism which preaches homosexuality is a disease.

The former Culture Club singer is horrified the Material Girl flirted with lesbianism - most famously in her controversial kisses with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at 2003's MTV Video Music Awards – yet supports a religion which believes homosexuals can be cured.

He fumes: "I have a problem with Madonna's devotion to Kabbalah, because I watched a documentary that said that Kabbalah believes that gay people are diseased and can be cured.

"She's such a hypocrite. This is the woman who has embraced homosexuality and used it to her advantage.

I'm no expert on Kabbalah, so I Googled this issue, and the very first site that popped up, while hardly gay-centric, did not strike me as "homophobic":
While Kabbalah and its cardinal text, the Zohar, has little to say about homosexuality, it is a main focus of The Kabbalah Centre and Kabbalah in general to stay away from judging others for any reason, external or internal, physical or metaphysical. Kabbalah also explains that the most sharing act we can achieve on this planet is childbirth, which is unattainable between two members of the same sex alone. However, that is not to say that two same-gendered people cannot have the same or more loving, rewarding, and lasting relationships as heterosexual couples. Kabbalah is all-inclusive rather than exclusive, and I hope you feel comfortable continuing your study.
I found the same thing at a couple of other Kabbalah sites, which makes me wonder whether Boy George did his homework before fuming over this silliness. Besides, Madonna is a Catholic by birth, and I doubt Boy George would attack her if she rededicated herself to her original religion.

I think it's a monumental waste of time to attack people because of their religion (or lack thereof) anyway.

And in any case, while I don't think sexuality is "curable," I don't see why people spend their time worrying about what others do or think. I wouldn't want to cure anyone, nor would I care whether someone wanted to spend time looking for such "cures."

MORE: In other major news today, Coco the new puppy had a hot date with Tristan, a lecherous middle-aged Shih Tzu.


Tristan humped, and Coco ran circles and hopped around him.

posted by Eric on 03.06.05 at 10:46 PM


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I had similar thoughts... but then found some rather more disturbing ideas being advanced by this outfit. Madonna will probably figure it out eventually.

NIcholas Packwood   ·  March 7, 2005 12:09 AM

Sounds like he got in a quarrel with her and is looking for ways to take a swipe at her. Kabbalah, being derived from Judaism, which is itself derived from the ancient Hebrews, whose Scriptures (notably the infamous Leviticus 20:13) condemn male homosexuality, would be expected, I would think, to take a less than positive view of male homosexuality. The Old Testament says nothing about Lesbianism. But Jews today are more liberal than they were in the days of Moses, so I imagine modern Kabbalism might be, too. I'll say again that there are many parallels between modern anti-Semitism and modern anti-homosexualism.

Another religion many of the Hollywood set are dabbling in is Scientology, whose founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was extremely anti-homosexual, against both male and female, from what I've read. Scientology, however, is not part of the Second Religiousness.

Kabbalah as practiced by the Hollywood crowd is about as legit a religion as scientology. The mystical underpinnings have so little to do with actual Jewish Kabbalah studies that it's laughable.

Beck   ·  March 7, 2005 07:44 AM

I'm not about to join the Kabbalah.

OR Scientology.

But I recognize that people have various needs, and there are of course various designer religions that cater to them.

Eric Scheie   ·  March 7, 2005 08:33 AM
"I have a problem with Madonna's devotion to Kabbalah, because I watched a documentary that said that Kabbalah believes that gay people are diseased and can be cured."

Watched. A. Documentary.

In other words, he doesn't know a damn thing about it.

Ian Wood   ·  March 7, 2005 02:16 PM

Having done some poking around, however, it appears that Boy George has a point about the Kabbalah Centre regardless of how informed he, they or Madonna might be about kabbalah.

NIcholas Packwood   ·  March 7, 2005 03:04 PM

We, i.e., Western culture or at least the most powerful nation of that culture, the United States of America, are now in the Second Religiousness, as prophesied by Oswald Spengler long ago in his The Decline of the West. This means that we, or the majority of us, are returning to the great historic religions of the West, to evangelical and fundamental Protestantism, to traditional Catholicism, to Orthodox Judaism, to Asatru, to Classical Values. The age of the "New Age" is passing, we are returning to Old Time Power.

I'm getting more and more jealous. I miss having a doggie.

Harkonnendog   ·  March 7, 2005 03:20 PM

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