Rock the Dead! And Bury the Vote!

Ed Morrisey is scaring the bejeezus out of me by resurrecting reports like this:

At least eight people who died well before the November general election were credited with voting in King County, raising new questions about the integrity of the vote total in the narrow governor's race, a Seattle Post-Intelligencer review has found.

The evidence of votes from dead people is the latest example of flaws in an election already rocked by misplaced votes and allegations that there were thousands more votes counted than actual voters.

County officials say they are investigating the cases pointed out by the P-I. "These are not indications of fraud," said Bill Huennekens, King County's elections supervisor. "Fraud is a concerted effort to change an election."

(Via Glenn Reynolds, who thinks something smells funny.)

As if that weren't enough, there's a picture which goes along with the story:


That's scary! And all this time I thought the worst election atrocity stories involved Republicans forcing impoverished Democrats to stand in long lines in Ohio. Child's play compared to this.

Just curious, though. Does anyone know who the dead people voted for?

While neither the article nor Ed Morrisey's piece offers any hard, cold, statistics, considering the following picture, I'd be willing to bet the dead voters were pro-Kerry, and therefore Democrats.


Yuck! It smells all right.

Another instance where the blogosphere has the dirt on 'em -- absolutely dead to rights.

Yet I predict it will all be buried.

posted by Eric on 01.07.05 at 09:00 PM


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So don't let it get buried. Please keep talking about it! Bypass the MSM.

Bostonian   ·  January 8, 2005 10:13 AM

Buried? Like the voter fraud in Ohio?

Blogesota   ·  January 8, 2005 12:07 PM

That web site is long on accusations, and short on proof. (Besides, I tend to distrust web sites which promote Holocaust revisionism.)

I'll say this about Ohio, though: if making people stand in long lines constitutes fraud, then the Department of Motor Vehicles must be the most fraudulent agency on earth!

Eric Scheie   ·  January 8, 2005 01:15 PM

I have had it. The election is over. These morons should stop boring us with this trivial nonsense and start discussing the real issues. How should we fight the War Against the Terror Masters? Should homosexuals marry? Should drugs be legalized? What does the Constitution mean? Is there a God or Gods? Do you have an immortal soul?

And I'm against Holocaust deniers, too, though I must confess that I used to read their stuff out of curiosity, and I will still defend their right to free speech.

One of the 8 is known to have voted GOP.
The few dead voters aren't the issue. There are more votes in question than the margin of victory, so the revote is a reasonable remedy. Revotes are disfavored, but an availble option, where, as here, we don't know who won.

arbitraryaardvark   ·  January 9, 2005 11:10 AM

Hey, does any democrat believe they have ever lost on the merits? Iran helped Reagan, Bush I Willie Hortoned Dukakis, Angry White Males helped Gingrich, the Supreme Court helped Bush II.v.1 and now Kerrey would have won but Jesus made him fumble. What do you call losers who won't shut up about how the court was too long, the ball was flat, the refs were biased and the cheerleaders distracted them?

george   ·  January 10, 2005 08:31 PM

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