It's hard to help the blind see but . . .

I am not a warblogger, but I'll make an exception here to juxtapose two quotes which are getting plenty of attention.

To the extent the blogosphere can dispel the propaganda cover willingly provided by the Left, people on the home front can help the soldiers in the field. It is necessary to link the war criminal behavior of the enemy with the studied blindness of 'sophisticates' towards their most heinous crimes. They are twinned; with the former made possible by the latter.

-- The Belmont Club

Fair enough. I didn't have to look far to find studied blindness. That goes well with this, this, er post:
Bush destroys another 22 families
by kos
Tue Dec 21st, 2004 at 08:09:37 PST

The news from Iraq never gets any better.

A mortar and rocket attack on a U.S. military base in the Iraqi city of Mosul killed at least 22 people and wounded more than 50 on Tuesday in one of the most deadly attacks on U.S. forces since last year's invasion [...]
Unless Kos is actually on the side of the enemy, calling such an attack "good news" certainly qualifies as an extreme example of blindness. I know I'm being charitable in my assessment, but it's Christmas, and Kos did once serve in the U.S. military.

The next day, Kos wrote this:

Looks like Rumsfeld will have to sign a few death letters over the coming days.
The sarcastic tone clearly implies that Rumsfeld doesn't care. Signing "a few death letters" is a mere trifle. An annoyance.

From his statements, Kos clearly considers Rumsfeld and Bush ultimately responsible for the actions of the enemy. Unless he believes Bush and Rumsfeld wanted the attack, this means that Kos:

  • a) wants the enemy to win;
  • b) he does not consider those who kill U.S. soldiers to be their enemies (as startling as it is logically impossible); or
  • c) Kos is engaged in studied blindness.
  • Again, I'll be charitable. It's "c" for Christmas.

    UPDATE: Thanks to a very generous link from Glenn Reynolds, I started seeing double. Then triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple hits on my "Sight" Meter. Thank you Glenn, and a warm welcome to InstaPundit readers.

    posted by Eric on 12.22.04 at 11:59 AM


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    I hold no brief for Kos, who is not even on my long-list of "blogs to read when I get a chance." I think you may be misinterpreting the phrase "never gets any better." It has two meanings: "always this bad or even worse" and "cannot be better than this." You selected the second meaning, but to be charitable you might want to consider the first meaning.
    English is a funny language sometimes . . .

    James   ·  December 22, 2004 01:47 PM

    Maybe Kos is becoming an Onion Skin.

    Or it might be the logical response for the Left, given their reasoning: if you lose, try more of your secret weapon which caused the loss - anger/hate/vitriol/nuance.

    J. Peden   ·  December 22, 2004 02:01 PM

    OK James, I must have been looking on the dark side. I'll change my interpretation to "it can only get worse."

    I hope Kos wants it to get better, though. And in the good way.

    Eric Scheie   ·  December 22, 2004 02:50 PM

    He gets emotionally very engaged in soldier welfare issues. I think that this is because he is a veteran.

    bink   ·  December 22, 2004 03:38 PM

    JP: KOS is a rotton onion, every time you peel a layer off, the rot shows through and stinks again.

    mdmhvonpa   ·  December 22, 2004 05:18 PM

    From time to time I dip my toe over at dKos. I do give a certain leeway that possible Markos can't catch every nutburger in his comments, but it gets harder to give that benefit of a doubt when he so clearly lets loose with his own issues.

    He is no longer the loyal opposition, he is the other side. Period.

    Darleen   ·  December 23, 2004 12:41 AM

    mdm: I was attempting to avoid images of such a graphic nature. You, however, failed. Heh

    I try to wade into what Kos' commenters say, but there is usually so much of the same-old, that I get bored. The future at Kos' site itself instead looks bleaker, in the sense that "the best is yet to come"?

    J. Peden   ·  December 23, 2004 02:09 AM

    Even thought I tend towards the generous interpretation of Kos' comments, remember that the insurgents are the left's Freedom Fighters on par with the Minutemen and Washington's army. . .MORE:

    Spear Shaker   ·  December 23, 2004 12:41 PM

    When I read Kos's statement, "The news from Iraq never gets any better," I read it like the Old Milwaukee commercial: "Man, it just doesn't get any better than this."

    I guess that if you are looking at it another way, you could say that Kos meant, "The news from Iraq continues to suck."

    Maybe Kos wrote the ambiguity intentionally. His readers probably prefer the former version (the Old Milwaukee version); the latter version give him some wiggle room.

    All of this being, of course, far more attention to Kos than Kos has ever deserved.

    Rick The Lawyer   ·  December 23, 2004 01:00 PM

    I think you guys need to be honest for once and stop taking Kos out of context. He doesn't want soldiers hurt, he never wanted them in harm's way to begin with because he doesn't believe that Iraq was necessary for America's safety, and is actually making America less safe.

    Just because you disagree with him, is that so hard to understand? Argue with him all you want, but these shots at him are propaganda. He's clearly being sarcastic, and if you can't see that, I wonder who's more blind.

    Normally posts at this site are good, and I enjoy them, but I've noticed that the right side of the blogosphere has a studied blindness when it comes to Kos.

    S   ·  December 23, 2004 01:00 PM

    "... but I've noticed that the right side of the blogosphere has a studied blindness when it comes to Kos."

    We're just returning the favor.

    Myopist   ·  December 23, 2004 01:33 PM

    Actually, I thought the "screw them" remark was an eye opener.

    Eric Scheie   ·  December 23, 2004 01:36 PM

    Although I am disgusted by Kos's tone, Eric's post might not have put the words "good news" in quotes; Kos didn't use those precise words. However, I do think that Kos's post conveyed that message. In my reading, Kos's joy at seeing evidence that Bush's policy may be failing outweighs his pain at the death of 22 people. That's a truly disgusting attitude -- a great deal more inhuman than using an autopen to sign a form letter.

    David   ·  December 23, 2004 02:03 PM

    "joy" is a big big stretch. He's not happy at all about seeing soldiers die.

    As for the "screw them" comment, it'd have been nice if people had followed up on that. He accused the "contractors" of being mercenaries because they were hired security forces being paid at extremely high rates, and that these "contractors" probably wouldn't be forced to take responsibility for any potential illegal actions (hmm Abu Ghraib had 'contractors'). The army was unprepared to do security going in...
    I also recall in his explanation that he grew up in Central America where mercenary forces were killing civilians during his youth, and that he doesn't have particularly fond memories.

    Anyhow...chalk this one up for my spending too much time reading blogs from all perspectives. I have my own opinion about Iraq that's different from Kos or Eric, but I thought I'd add some detail so it doesn't just turn into a hatefest in this blog post.

    S   ·  December 23, 2004 02:29 PM

    I believe strongly that:

    1. Kos intended to say that the news just keeps getting worse, and

    2. Twisted homunculus that he is, he regards that as a positive for him and his ilk.

    Brian Jones   ·  December 23, 2004 02:34 PM

    "I think you guys need to be honest for once and stop taking Kos out of context.... Normally posts at this site are good, and I enjoy them, but I've noticed that the right side of the blogosphere has a studied blindness when it comes to Kos." S.

    This is the Holy Nuance I refer to. I'm not going to fisk it, except to ask, "What is Kos' context?"

    Does Kos have any alternative to the Bush Doctrine and it in action? That's what everyone is waiting for, so that any of his carping makes sense. Otherwise, it's just carping to be carping, nuance always being negativity in support of the nuanced position that nuance is good, patriotic, helpful, etc., in itself, while no alternative to the position is given.

    Where's Kerry's plan? It didn't exist, either, so far as I know.

    It is nuanced to not have an alternative. Holy Nuance allows anything.

    J. Peden   ·  December 23, 2004 03:30 PM

    Go to the Kos link in question. Read the comments.

    Whatever the context Kos is posting in, the commenters are out on Mars City.

    Steve White   ·  December 23, 2004 05:30 PM

    My God! Kos and Barak Osama Rama Lama Obama are the same person! See what cannot be told on Kos's site, now! Ding Dong....[The Edsels,?]

    J. Peden   ·  December 23, 2004 06:43 PM

    Sorry, must scroll down to see both Bamas.

    J. Peden   ·  December 23, 2004 06:46 PM

    Does the author have Kostrophobia?

    People like Kos should post more clearly the intent of their message. By the time readers get to it they are in a state of shock by the day's news and unable to interpret "nuance".

    By the way, is "nuance" the six-letter dirty word of 2004?

    Jim Martin   ·  December 23, 2004 10:00 PM

    Kostrophobia is Kos and effect.

    Eric Scheie   ·  December 23, 2004 11:01 PM

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