The Nazi Jewish bankers Skull and Bones plot!

I just received an email asking me some troubling questions (obviously intended to convince me to vote for Kerry):

Have you ever heard of Prescott Bush? I've been reading a lot about him - a very interesting and nasty character.

Do you know how the Bush family made its fortune? It wasn't from oil, as most people think.

Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W., made the family fortune by financing the German munitions industry. He made millions by linking up Wall Street investors with Hitler. Money from Bush paid for 1/3 of all the explosives made in Germany in World War II. Bush's partner was Herbert Walker. That's where the "W" in George W. Bush comes from.

All of Prescott Bush's companies were confiscated by the U.S. government in 1942 under the "Trading With the Enemies Act", but Bush got to keep his millions.

This story is very well documented and is undisputed by the Bush family. They just prefer not to talk about it. There is a lot of material about this on the internet.

I haven't the time to research this in detail, but I have a few thoughts. Arnold Schwarzenegger's father was an out-and-out Nazi. Henry Ford and Joe Kennedy were Nazi sympathizers. Many Americans are descended from slaveholders, too!

In any event, the barest research revealed that there's a bit more to Prescott Bush than Nazi munitions money. (While there are numerous sites on "the Internet," most of the Prescott Bush stories are trumped up by the same conspiracy sites which "link" the Bushes to bin Laden via Carlyle.)

Prescott Bush was also partners with another noted "Nazi," Averell Harriman (a famous liberal):

He entered business in the organization of George Herbert Walker and Averell Harriman and became an officer in their investment banking firm, W. A. Harriman and Company in 1926. When it merged with Brown Brothers in 1931, he became a partner in the new firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman. Bush called it "my good fortune" to work with close friends, including Yale classmates E. Roland Harriman, Knight Woolley, and Ellery James, as well as Robert A. Lovett and Thomas McCance.

As a managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman, he sat on several corporate
boards, including Columbia Broadcasting System, Dresser Manufacturing Company, Union Banking Corporation, Prudential Insurance, Pan American Airlines, Simmons Company, Massachusetts Investors Second Fund, Rockbestos Products Corporation, Vanadium Corporation of America, United States Guarantee Company, and Commercial Pacific Cable Company. He also served as chairman of the board of Pennsylvania Water and Power Company. The Simmons Company would later be a major financial contributor to the campaigns of both Bush presidencies.

From 1944 to 1956, Bush was a member of the Yale Corporation, the principal governing body of Yale University. From 1947 to 1950 he served as Connecticut Republican finance chairman, and was the Republican candidate for the United States Senate in 1950, losing to Senator William Benton by only 1,000 votes. The following year, Bush was Connecticut chairman of the United Negro College
Fund, and was one of the UNCF's earliest supporters.

I'm sure there was all kinds of money commingled and laundered (certainly by today's standards) by the Bush-Harriman firm and numerous other firms and banks in which they held interests. Arms companies like Remington sold arms! Arms companies still sell arms.

The Bush-Harriman firm was also accused of funding the Communists! (More on Harriman here.)

I'd need to read a serious biography before deciding whether Nazi money accounts for the Bush millions or that "all his companies" were confiscated.

Skimming this anti-Bush biography, I began to see clever statistical exaggerations -- typical "tie-ins" which don't amount to as much as what is claimed. (The author also ties Bush and Harriman to Dulles, as well as Jewish financiers. Please.)

I am not impressed, and even if I were, I don't hold grandchildren accountable
for their grandparents' actions. Otherwise I'd support the "reparations" movement.

The lesson here is that if you can't prove someone is a Nazi, you should try to prove that his ancestors had financial ties to the Nazis.

And lest anyone think John Forbes Kerry is innocent, he's descended from a famous drug dealer, and he's related to Bush!

John Kerry's maternal grandfather, James Grant Forbes, was born in Shanghai, China, where the Forbes family of China and Boston accumulated a fortune in the opium and China trade. Forbes married Margaret Tyndal Winthrop, who came from a family with deep roots in New England history. Through her, John Kerry is related to four Presidents, including, ironically, George W. Bush (9th cousin, twice removed).
(Here's more on the evil Forbes drug money. Why, they even started the Opium War!)

I'm shocked to see how little it matters which way we vote. No matter who wins, we will be ruled by evil capitalist family fortunes!

MORE: Damn! After spending all that time I now see that Straight Dope already debunked this piece of hype.

posted by Eric on 10.16.04 at 06:58 PM


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During World War II, George Sylvester Viereck was a Nazi sympathizer. But his son, Peter Viereck, was an ardently anti-Nazi conservative, one of the intellectual fathers of the Burkean conservative revival in the early 1950s. His book, "Conservatism: from John Adams to Churchill", is one of my favorites.

Conversely, my own father fought against the Nazis at Normandy and in the Battle of the Bulge. But that doesn't make me a war hero, I'm afraid.

If trading with German industrialists or the German state in the 1930s is a crime, then just about all of Wall St. and half the major U.S. corporations of the time are guilty of it. In retrospect, it was a bad idea, but hey -- no one knew exactly how the whole thing was going to pan out at the time. U.S. firms traded with Iraq in the 1980s as well.

bink   ·  October 17, 2004 04:52 PM

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