Speaking of fried memories.....

Does anyone remember the term "South Park Republicans?" I can still dimly recall it, and it had something to do with unconventional, outside-the-box, free thinking:

South Park Republicans are true Republicans, though they do not look or act like Pat Robertson. They believe in liberty, not conformity. They can enjoy watching The Sopranos even if they are New Jersey Italians. They can appreciate the tight abs of Britney Spears or Brad Pitt without worrying about the nation's decaying moral fiber. They strongly believe in liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, and free markets. However, they do not live by the edicts of political correctness.

The South Park Republicans are an incredibly diverse group encompassing a variety of nontraditional conservatives, such as the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bruce Willis supported Republicans because of their commitment to lower taxes and fiscal discipline. Rap artist and movie actor LL Cool J recently endorsed NY governor George Pataki.

In one South Park episode, the kids went to Afghanistan and blew up Osama bin Laden. (Cartman in drag enticed the bastard....)

Where are they now? There's a new film [by the makers of "South Park"] called "Team America: World Police."

Here's a sneak peek at a favorite animated asswipe of evil:


They're still saying he's got WMDs, too!

UPDATE: Following the dreams (and the logic) of this heady intellectual post, the foul-mouthed pronouncements of Eric Cartman (and possibly all South Park Republicans) may be just as fascist in nature as those of Dick Cheney.

Remember, only you can prevent the fires of rhetorical eliminationism:

There is a special quality to eliminationist rhetoric, and it has the distinctive stench of burning flesh....
(More here, from Bill Quick.) Hey, I was just talking about fried brain cells, wasn't I? And I think I have uttered the "F" word a few times.... I know I also said Communism sucks. What if I say "fuck fascism"?

Hey, how about the guy who told me to go fuck myself sideways? It sure sounded like eliminationist rhetoric to me!

It's not enough to call someone a fascist, you know. One must prove it by first defining fascism scientifically, then documenting the charge. Only through the careful and meticulous use of language and metaphor can the "fascists" be eliminated.

UPDATE: Actor (and Saddam Hussein guest) Sean Penn does not like Team America's or its creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Why am I not surprised?

posted by Eric on 10.07.04 at 11:02 AM


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