Classical Greek tragedy? Or modern political comedy?

Can a hero become a victim?

What would Aristotle say? How about Sophocles?

What, if any, are the implications to Classical Values?

If this sounds too much like a contradiction, consider the case of former United States Senator Max Cleland, decorated Vietnam hero who's going the extra mile for John Kerry by traveling to Crawford, Texas just to deliver a "letter" asking Bush to "call off" the Swift Boat veterans. (An act which, if Bush were capable of performing it, would probably constitute a crime under federal campaign rules.)

How Cleland became a victim I am not sure. He's a liberal Democrat (ADA rating was 100%) who lost his seat in the last election to a conservative Republican.

If I am reading the facts correctly, he was targeted by the "Republican attack machine" for (gasp!) his politics. And he lost.

Does that mean that anyone who loses an election is a victim? Or only if they were "targeted" for defeat?

What does it mean to be targeted for defeat? Have not Bush and Kerry targeted each other for defeat? Will the loser be the victim?

Surely it isn't relevant that Cleland is in a wheelchair. Might he be hoping that some of his victim status will rub off on Kerry when he attempts to deliver a letter to George W. Bush?

Maybe that's the theme. George W. Bush as the ultimate evildoer. He Who Turns Our Nation's Heroes Into Victims!

I'm sure the play will be on tonight's evening news....


posted by Eric on 08.25.04 at 04:06 PM


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Reminds me of how Robert Bork was made into a martyr because he was denied a seat on the Supreme Court because of his totalitarian views. He denies that you and I have a right to privacy inside our own homes. He explicitly stated that Galileo could legitimately be censored since his speech was scientific rather than political. He argues that we have no rights against any majority (or noisy minority) that wants to pass a law against us.

And yet he has a right to sit on the Supreme Court?? News flash: There are only 9 seats on the Supreme Court. Therefore, you and I and 300,000,000 other Americans have ALL been "Borked".

There is no right to be on the Supreme Court. There is no right to win an election.

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