Searching for Hope? In Cambodia?

Glenn Reynolds links to a comprehensive summary of Kerry's Cambodian Christmas links here.

The whole thing is getting surreal. I know I've speculated earlier about whether lies become true with age. Some do, but they have to be believable, and classy. This one was just never subjected to genuine national scrutiny and now it's unraveling.

I hope everyone reads this excellent post by Varius Contrarius. Might Kerry have been engaged in a secret plan to infiltrate Cambodia in search of Bob Hope?

I'm with Roger L. Simon on this one: Christmas in Cambodia is a lie on the level of an impeachable act, and bloggers have the power to make sure it doesn't go away.

posted by Eric on 08.10.04 at 09:02 AM


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Merry Christmas.

Yes, Kerry's lie is far worse than Clinton's fibbing about what he did with his privates. It directly relates to issues of our military defense. Kerry's Cambodia lie was also in the context of trying to block aid to the anti-Communist Contras in Nicaragua. Like Jimmy Carter, Kerry never met a Communist dictator he didn't like. Bad as Bush is, I would rather see four more years of Bush even at his worst (which is _very_ bad) than four years of Kerry. Everything I hear about Kerry tells me he would be a disaster.

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