Saving just one child....

Here's a disgusting development:

a mandatory carding policy for anyone, regardless of age, who wants to buy some beer. Adding insult to injury, the birth date of the suds-buying Methuselah has to be noted down before the sale can be rung up. Now, you'd think that this policy is dumb and demeaning enough for the Food Emporium's fun police without any added refinements. Unfortunately, you'd be wrong. A loathsome little sign boasts (I hope I have written this down correctly - a red mist of rage was beginning to obscure my vision) that this insolent imposition was part of the company's commitment to "our community" and, wait for it, you know what's coming, "its children". Bah!

Where is the ACLU when you need it? (Via Glenn Reynolds.)

While I am a longtime card-carrying member of the ACLU, as well as the NRA, I think the kind of mind-numbing egalitarianism the ACLU promotes is as much to blame as anything.

As I have complained repeatedly, we are compelled to live in a vast national kindergarten which reduces us all to the lowest common denominator of human idiocy. Common sense has disappeared -- in the name of fighting "discrimination." It's no more "fair" to ask young people to show ID to buy beer than it is fair to screen young Mideastern men at airports. So we have to shake down grandma and grandpa at airports, and further humiliate them by demanding their ID at convenience stores.

Might as well lower the speed limit to 30 MPH and make everybody blow into a breathalyzer in order to start their cars.... Oh, and no more cell phones or cameras anywhere in public, mandatory sterilization of all dogs, bans on specific breeds of dogs, and background checks before anyone is allowed to engage in just about any human activity which might cause harm to any child. Or any adult! Anywhere! Ever!

Bah! is right.

posted by Eric on 08.03.04 at 09:22 AM


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The city of Alcoa (neighbors my hometown) has a law that says ID must be shown to buy alcoholic beverages in call cases.

SayUncle   ·  August 3, 2004 10:52 AM

Bah! Humbug! I'm against all of that. Down with Big Brother.

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