That bumper really sticks in my craw...

If y'all recall my rant on a certain bumper sticker, you can now see it for yourself, with many other brilliant gems besides:


Bumper sticker wisdom has, I fear, proliferated, now appearing on t-shirts as well. On the 4th I saw one the read


And it made me think of this:


Which may not make sense, but neither does FREADOM. And it makes me laugh.

posted by Dennis on 07.06.04 at 09:31 AM


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Speaking of shirts on the 4th, I saw one of those Reagan "Viva la Revolucion" shirts at the Liberty Medal award presentation at Independence Hall.

Nathan Hamm   ·  July 6, 2004 12:10 PM

The license plate is the best part.

Jeremy Brown   ·  July 6, 2004 03:15 PM

I am not fluent in l33t but I can read that license plate just fine.

Flea   ·  July 6, 2004 04:53 PM

I hate every one of those sappy slogans on that car. Each one screams that the owner just had a lobotomy. Ever since 9/11/2001, the Left has been pushing me further to the Right every time they open their mouths.

Sorry about the oversimplified spectrumology from me here. What I meant was: "Left" in the sense of "One, One World, One Everything", as a John Bircher once defined it, turns me off. That's one possible dimension of a spectrum. The other is that of his young interlocutor, who defined "Right" as "One Way, Only One Way" and "Left" as "Anything Goes".

Spectrums, spectrums, spectrums, spectrums....

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