Hatred as a form of honor

I didn't want to contaminate my post about Ronald Reagan by reporting Ted Rall's especially vicious remarks on the occasion of his death. But now I see that the link to Rall's hate site has been down for 24 hours. This may mean that Rall has backed off his remarks, although I doubt it. Nonetheless, I think they should be reported, for a couple of reasons. One is that Rall shouldn't be allowed to pretend he didn't write this smear of a much-loved president. Another is that if you think about it, Rall is such a hateful creep that this attack should really be seen as a tribute to Ronald Reagan. To be hated so much by a guy like Ted Rall is an honor!

In any event, here are Rall's hateful words:

How Sad...

...that Ronald Reagan didn't die in prison, where he belonged for starting an illegal, laughably unjustifiable war against Grenada under false pretenses (the "besieged" medical students later said they were nothing of the sort) and funneling arms to hostages during Iran-Contra.

Oh, and 9/11? That was his. Osama bin Laden and his fellow Afghan "freedom fighters" got their funding, and nasty weapons, from Reagan.

A real piece of work, Reagan ruined the federal budget, trashed education, alienated our friends and allies and made us a laughing stock around the world.

Hmmmm...sounds familiar.

Anyway, I'm sure he's turning crispy brown right about now.

While it's not the first time he's attacked the deceased, Rall obviously enjoys out-sliming even his slimy, sanctimonious self.

But I'm having a little trouble with one thing: what's wrong with "funneling arms to hostages"?

Likewise, the honors poured in from Cuba's official government media, which reacted exactly how Jonah Goldberg "would want Communist regimes to react to Reagan's passing."

He would certainly have it no other way. From the Associated Press:

HAVANA - Cuba harshly criticized former President Ronald Reagan and his policies on Monday, saying he should "never have been born.'' In the first reaction to Reagan's death from the communist government, Radio Reloj said: "As forgetful and irresponsible as he was, he forgot to take his worst works to the grave,'' the government radio station said. "He, who never should have been born, has died,'' the radio said.

Anybody who garners such vicious hatred after his death -- from geriatric Stalinist murderers and from the execrable Ted Rall -- has been honored by such haters.

Imagine being loved by the likes of Fidel Castro or Ted Rall! That would be the real disgrace.

Wherever he is, President Reagan must be very proud.

As to the "turning crispy brown" remark, I guess it means that Rall believes in hell, but thinks it's run by Communists.

(He may be getting warm....)

posted by Eric on 06.08.04 at 09:02 AM


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Fact press forgets to tell you, Taliban was a Pakistani creation. http://www.unomaha.edu/afghanistan_atlas/taliban.html The Taliban is widely acknowledged to be a creation of Pakistan
and its external intelligence agency, the Inter Services Intelligence
(ISI). This factor goes a long way in explaining the swift military
successes of the Taliban against the non-Pushtun Afghan forces
in campaigns in which both Pakistani Army officers and men (serving
as well as retired) were involved.

Patrick   ·  June 8, 2004 01:19 PM

I always judge a man or woman by the enemies he or she makes. What an honor indeed to be hated by the likes of Castro. President Reagan was great.

"The torch of liberty is hot. It warms those who hold it high. It burns those who try to extinguish it."
-President Reagan, when General Jaruzelski declared martial law in Poland to crush the Solidarity revolt

Ted Rall, unquestionably, is a hateful idiot, and his words have no more merit than the ravings of a drunk lunatic.

So whose bright idea was it to put him in front of a camera? What purpose did Sean Hannity (a pro-Reagan Republican) think he was serving by putting Rall on his show? If Bill O'Reilly can yell "SHUT UP!" at Al Franken, why couldn't Hannity have done the same to Rall - order him off the stage and apologize to his viewers?

There are two possible answers:

1) Hannity wanted to smear all liberals as hateful scumbags, and Rall was perfectly willing to be used as "proof." Fortunately, people like Tom Dascle, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy were not, so Hannity had no use for them.

2) Hannity will put any raving extremist hatemonger on his show, just to get attention and boost ratings, whatever price anyone else may end up paying. Such deliberate use of irresponsible extremists distorts and poisons the public debate, and subjects us to useless arguments between opposing factions that are all equally wrong.

Raging Bee   ·  June 9, 2004 01:10 PM

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