Burn a homo for the religion of peace!

Amidst the recent chaos, I missed something which I think most Americans were intended to miss: more evidence of the malevolent nature of the hateful Wahhabi strain of Islam which, thanks to politically correct media complacency, has gained much cultural hegemony among Muslims living in the United States.

Recent accounts about accused terrorist Adam Gadahn mentioned his mentor -- one Muzammil Siddiqi -- by name, but make Siddiqi appear to be a moderate!

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. - Adam Yahiye Gadahn was 17 years old when he walked into the Islamic Society of Orange County and asked for permission to worship there. The farm kid who grew up in a home with Christian roots declared himself a Muslim, ready to immerse himself in his new religion.

But his devotion eventually spiraled into trouble — and an arrest.

Gadahn, who was named Wednesday as one of seven suspected al-Qaida operatives sought by the FBI (news - web sites), was later expelled from the mosque after attacking an employee. Records show he pleaded guilty to assault and battery charges in June 1997 and was sentenced to two days in jail and 40 hours of community service.

"He was becoming very extreme in his ideas and views," said Muzammil Siddiqi, the society's religious director. "He must have disliked something."

Extreme? Must have disliked something?

Well, look at who's asking that question. Muzammil Siddiqi is the director (as well as past president) of the Islamic Society of North America. A Wahhabist through and through, he maintains that homosexuals should be burned. (Via the esteemed Ghost of a flea.)

How does burning homosexuals square with the notion that Islam is a "religion of peace?"

Not that this remark has gotten much attention from liberals or conservatives. Too threatening to their mutually agreed agendas. As Andrew Sullivan notes,

What staggers me is how silent the gay establishment is about these obscenities. If a religious right figure had said them, there would be hell to pay. But the multi-culti left still has a stranglehold on official gay discourse and won't condemn Islamist bigotry. Why not? These mullahs are fanning the flames of anti-gay violence with literally incendiary rhetoric. Burn gays? Yep, that's what the cleric said.
Just in case anyone has forgotten, both the Flea and I have noted that the Islamic Society of North America has attempted to ingratiate itself with religious conservatives by joining in an alliance of strange bedfellows:
JewishWorldReview.com has discovered that prominent religious conservatives — Jews, Catholics and Evangelical Christians — are allied with a radical Islamic group to stop gay marriage. Pushing a constitutional amendment that would restrict marriage to heterosexuals, they work with the Islamic Society of North America. What is ISNA? According to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, ISNA:
* has held fundraisers for terrorists (e.g., after Hamas leader Musa Marzuk was arrested, it raised money for his defense, claiming he was innocent and not connected to terrorism)

* has condemned US seizure of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad assets in the United States after 9/11

* has consistently sponsored speakers at their conferences that defend Islamic terrorists. Recently, a leader denied in an interview with an NBC affiliate that ISNA took any Saudi money but that was a brazen lie as evidenced by a recording of an ISNA conference in which it was revealed that money came from Saudi Arabia.

"ISNA," says Emerson, "is a radical group hiding under a false veneer of moderation."

What better way for ISNA to maintain its "false veneer of moderation" than by working side by side with prominent religious figures that also bring the prestige of their institutional associations? How can critics plausibly depict the organization as extremist if it boasts the company of so many prominent Jews and Christians? Even Martin Luther King couldn't boast a working alliance with this many different members of the religious community.

Who are these religious conservatives? The Jews include a vice-president of the highly regarded Rabbinical Council of America, who is also known as "Lieberman's rabbi" because the Connecticut senator and presidential candidate attends his synagogue; one of Reform Judaism's most highly visible rabbis known for his frequent TV appearances as the Jewish half of the two man "God Squad,"; an Orthodox rabbi who is one of the heads of the most highly regarded kosher supervision agency in America; a former aide to President Ronald Reagan and official in the subsequent Bush administration; and an Orthodox rabbi who wants to unite Christians and Jews.

ISNA's newfound Christian friends also boast sterling credentials. They include President Clinton's ambassador to the Vatican; the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia: a Harvard law professor and former Clinton advisor; the president of a prestigious Evangelical school; and a neo-conservative author who edits a small, but influential magazine, that serves as the unofficial bible of many religious conservatives.

I am beginning to see why the Siddiqi remark has been ignored by the mainstream media.

However, neither Siddiqi nor the ISNA have been ignored by the fearless Charles Johnson, who wonders (rhetorically) why no one cares:

So far, not one mainstream media source has had the simple professionalism to investigate Dr. Siddiqi, the leader of the mosque where Gadahn apparently became radicalized. They would have discovered, if they cared, that Siddiqi himself is a radical Wahhabist—as I wrote yesterday.
I think they know damned well what's going on with Siddiqi and with the wretched hate outfit he runs.

They just don't want us to know.

Strange bedfellows, of course....

posted by Eric on 06.04.04 at 12:42 PM


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"Burn a homo for the religion of peace". You said it all right there.

Muhammadan: "You are intolerant of my religion if you won't let me burn homosexuals! You are oppressing me! You are a bigot, a Western Imperialist Warmonger! How dare you to oppose me! I order you to feel _guilty_ for daring to oppose my agenda! Why aren't you feeling guilty? Why aren't you obeying your media, or the Politically Correct Communist professors in your universities? Why aren't you bowing down to the Religion of Peace? Why aren't you committing suicide like a good, obedient little lemming? How dare you to think for yourself?"

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