Fashionably ignorant?

"I've never been on InstaPundit. I don't even know what that is."

So claims my old favorite, Jodi Wilgoren. (Via InstaPundit.) The first part of the statement -- "never been on" -- may in the strictest and most literal sense be true, but "not knowing what that is?"

Come on, Jodi!

This latest display of "ignorance" is downright cute. Coy. Genuinely endearing.

But cuteness aside, there is such a thing as objectivity in journalism. Considering the prominence of Glenn Reynolds, as well as Ms. Wilgoren's (and her family's) stated interest in tracking what's said about her in the blogosphere, I think either she's either not reading the links carefully enough (as unlikely as it would be unprofessional), or else she's just pretending not to notice.

Is the latter the case? Deliberately concealed ignorance passed off as objective disinterest?

I'm not sure whether to call that journalism, but it's certainly professional.

NOTE: While I don't have time to start a Jodi Wilgoren fan club, I have devoted two posts to her (here and here), because I know talent when I see it, and I think she may be the next Maureen Dowd.

posted by Eric on 05.31.04 at 01:20 PM


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How can you not read Instapundit? You can dislike him, but not read him is an act of utter despair. Oh by the way y'all check this Bill Clinton Book Spoof?
I laughed out loud. All important character from his presidency are in it. A good read.

Bill Clinton   ·  May 31, 2004 04:20 PM

S: Inter? Net? I've never heard of this "Inter-Net"? What is it? It sounds like some sinister conspiracy!

G: Yes. It _is_ a conspiracy. It's controlled by a man named Volokh. He calls it "The Volokh Conspiracy".

S: Hmmm.... So, this man Vo-Lock controls this Inter-Net? He openly calls it a conspiracy?

G: Yes. He will soon take over the world. With his blog, he will turn us all into libertarian lawyers.

S: A "blog"?

G: Yes. A Weblog.

S: A Web-Log? That sounds very strange.

G: Yes. A log on the Web.

S: For log-rolling, I suppose. Sounds like a politician. This Web sounds very sinister. And he wants to turn us all into libertine liars? Destroy all ethics and morality? He sounds like wicked Wanda!

G: Hmmm....

S: Beware! Beware! Don't drink tea. It leads to marijuana. Marijuana will turn you into an atheist.

G: Hmmm....

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