Warm and glowing impalement!

Tim Blair unearthed a rare gem which has cracked me up to no end.

Here's an excerpt:

We have to strip away our daily concerns, take it all off, and sit there, free. Peaceful. We feel the quiet descend on us. We become aware of our breathing. Breathing in. Breathing out.

There. Down we go. Into the depths. We are on our way in.

The first thing we see is that it’s big. For twenty million people it’s bound to be...but isn't it strange, we don't see twenty million people. We don't see any people at all. We see a kind of an organism, where the oceans of peoples’ hearts and the universe of their minds sort of melds together, moving gently, warm, just seeming to move over itself. All sharpness and hardness went long ago. We are inside the warm soft pulsing body that is our nation’s heart and mind. It seems to just want to experience itself. That’s all it seems to want to do, to feel itself, explore itself, enjoying itself, slowly and timelessly. It seems to delight in its very own existence, as though that delight is reason enough for its being.

It’s sensational! Are you smiling a little? That’s it, right there.

To which I must add a quotation from my research assistant Justin Case:
I am a valid human being, attempting to make contact!

This calls for another lamp. And another!


posted by Eric on 03.18.04 at 10:46 PM


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