Slice, dice, and winnow!

So it's Hillary all along, eh?

One of the reasons that makes so much sense is that it does not surprise me at all.

Nor does the fact that Lanny Davis (link via Glenn Reynolds) has come to the defense....

Skullduggery at high levels once again.

UPDATE: It also begins to explain why Wesley Clark would first predict the scandal, and then back out of the race so tantalizingly close to when this story broke. The connections between the Clark campaign and the first leak to the blogosphere are kind of hard to ignore, as is the Lehane connection to Clark (Via Daily Pundit.)

Gives the term "stalking horse" new meaning, I think.

MORE: Considering everything I have said and heard, I think there is at least a possibility that this scandal is disinformation deliberately fed from Wesley Clark. Why he might do that is even more puzzling. Are they assuming that the blogosphere will pump and sex up a fake story before it's really been verified? Would Kerry then be able to masquerade as a victim (blaming the big bad Karl Rove)?

I don't know, but for now I think the story's genesis is juicier than its possible merits!

MORAL CHERRY TREE LESSON: If this story is a fake, the lesson for all those non-blogging peasants who get their news from TV (or maybe a daily newspaper) will be that the Internet is bad, and "the blogosphere is a bunch of hooey":

What is that whooshing sound that you hear? It is all the hot air escaping from the self-styled "blogosphere."
(From Tim Blair, via Glenn Reynolds.)

NO END TO UPDATES: It appears that this story is now local news:

A global media scrum descended on the Chester County suburb of Malvern yesterday because of a furor over a rumored romantic link between a 1995 Great Valley High School grad and presidential hopeful John Kerry.

Despite the frenzy, little information was forthcoming yesterday, and there was no confirmation of any relationship between Kerry and the woman.

Several news trucks and assorted gawkers loitered outside the home of the parents of 27-year-old Alexandra Polier after her dad was quoted in a British tabloid that Kerry was "a sleazeball" who'd shown an interest in his daughter.

Hey, Malvern is only a half an hour away. Maybe I should drive over there and search for truth!

posted by Eric on 02.12.04 at 09:44 PM


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