Bend over for Allah?

It is the policy of this blog to courageously confront bigotry and homophobia whenever and wherever observed. Not even the gods are exempt -- especially a monstrous usurper going by the name of "Allah!"

This very same "Allah" -- a former Pagan deity -- has not only had the effrontery to start a blog, but almost immediately launched into a vicious and cynically hypocritical diatribe, positively dripping with venomous, internalized homophobia:

Allah checks his stats often and is amused to find that booze-swilling infidel Steven Green (sic) has dropped a sweet link on him. Tell me, infidel, do you think this will atone for calling your blog "VodkaPundit"? You should know that Allah forbids the consumption of alcohol by his children except for Saudi royals on vacation in the south of France. Allah also wants to know what the deal is with that photo on your homepage: Are you trying to get Allah to switch sides, with your Semitic good looks and come-hither stare? Because while Allah is flattered, and is not embarrassed to admit that if he were gay you might make a nice pony boy until you were beheaded, the fact is Allah doesn't "read the Daily Dish" if you know what Allah means.

Allahu Akbar.

No greater hypocrisy can be imagined, Mr. "Allah." This is deeply disturbing, and calls for the most drastic remedies -- if you know what I mean. I am sick and tired of your Islamic double standard! DO YOU HEAR ME? On the one hand, your maniacal fanatics feel free to condemn homosexuals as "sodomites" and topple walls on them as punishment. Yet at the same time, in your "holy" (which hole might that be?) book, we find this:
* Sura 52:24. "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.
* Sura 56:17. "And there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and pitchers of water and a cup of purest wine."
* Sura 76:19. "They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who will seem like scattered pearls to the beholders."

What the hell is going on with your insane religion anyway? And how dare you threaten a leading heterosexual blogger as you have?

I defy you! I will link to you, yes. But only so that I can mock you! Your past is well known! You are the upstart Moon God!

Moon! That's what all Americans should do when they think of you!

URGENT UPDATE AND NOTICE: It is now obvious to me that Frank J.'s Nuke the Moon plan is a product of divine inspiration.

This is serious business, folks -- so the Moon God better beware!

posted by Eric on 08.31.03 at 03:18 PM


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1) Before Muhammad came along and ruined things, the Arabs worshipped the 3 daughters of Al-Lah: Al-Lat, Goddess of the Moon, Al-'Uzza, Goddess of the planet Venus, and the mysterious Manat, Goddess of fate. Muhammad did to the ancient Arabian religion what Akhenaton had tried to do to the ancient Egyptian religion. I hate them both. My character Dawn (Norma's wife) calls Akhenaton "the first Communist".
2) Back in the early 1980's, while I was living in Portland, Oregon, a friend and I once ran into a Christian named Robert Enke who gave us a long an interesting spiel about his interpretation of the Bible. Among the things he said was that homosexuality was condemned something like 50 times in the Bible, and he warned us never to go to San Francisco (I later moved to the Bay Area and lived there for many years). Anyway, after he had told us what an abomination homosexuality was in the sight of God, he then began to rhapsodize about the Song of Solomon, and he said that he longed to go to Heaven and see Christ's penis.

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  September 2, 2003 08:39 AM

this website i a lie get a life

Anonymous   ·  October 30, 2003 04:42 PM


Unfortunetly, I do not think Dr. Robert Morey is a trustworthy source, and often fabricates to support his views. This has been documented by both reputable Christians and Muslim sources:

Christian Source:


"He made false and ignorant accusations, and
tried to justify them by misquoting texts
from the Quran"

Muslim source:


"If Dr. Robert Morey can prove my evidence as
false by showing that his statements against
Islam are true, I will offer him CASH awards
(which is $500.00)"

Please keep in mind, that I am not discouraging you from criticising Islam, I welcome it. But rather, I am appealing to your sense of
fairness and value for the Truth. I'm sure Christians have a high sense of integrety and would deplore any kind of delebrerate misrepresentation of any religion. Therefore, I would like to request, the following from
your organization:

1. Contact Dr. Robert Morey and request him to take up the challenge immediately
in which he can recieve $500.00 for simply showing a page number, verse, or
reference for the statements he made about the alleged teachings of Islam,
I have publically challenged him on his radio show, here is his phone number:

2. If Dr. Robert Morey fails to produce any evidence for his statements, then
I would request for you to stop supporting him in anyway. There are plenty of
of other good Christian critics on Islam out there.

Nadir Ahmed

Nadir Ahmed   ·  December 30, 2003 06:55 AM

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