"Traditional Values Libertarian Theocrats?"

Jerry Falwell is not the only character on the right to declare war on the Bush administration.

He has been joined by Pat Buchanan, now sounding more like a French anti-Semite as he sneers, "Was it oil? Empire? To make the Middle East safe for Sharon?"

I consider myself a libertarian, but such demagogic opportunism makes me sympathize with Bush in spite of numerous disagreements with administration policies.

Might Falwell, whose expressions of philosophical agreement with Osama bin Laden (that the attacks were God's punishment for gays) horrified a shocked nation right after September 11, team up with Buchanan? I don't know, but Buchanan clearly enjoys being a spoiler -- and may well have prevented Bush from obtaining a clear majority in the last election.

Thunder on the right? Justin Raimondo, Pat Buchanan's libertarian whirlwind campaign strategist, now sings a family values line, titling his latest piece "The War Party will get theirs – God willing" while coming to the defense of the anti-Semitic cartoon depicting Sharon as one of Julius Streicher's hook-nosed-Jew stereotypes. I also enjoy the constant red-baiting theme: "neocons" are invariably presented as somehow "Trotskyist" -- echoing, of course, the theme of dark, hidden, Jewish conspiracies. In other columns, Raimondo is a self-appointed "libertarian" hatchet man -- one of his latest targets being Larry Elders.

Is Elders disqualified as a libertarian on Raimondo's say-so? On the other hand, the "neocons" who once were Marxist are stuck with that label forever? Would someone explain this? I know I keep bitching about forcing people into categories to manipulate them, but to see libertarians doing the same thing as liberals and conservatives is depressing -- especially in order to brew up such a distasteful and unwholesome stew as this.

I hope I'm wrong, but there definitely appears to be an attempt to build a coalition between religious bigots, libertarians, and anti-Semitic Paleocons. Libertarians who support such a coalition are in no position, in my opinion, to sit in judgment on the political correctness of other libertarians.

posted by Eric on 06.05.03 at 09:28 PM


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