I am truly honored

I am truly honored to discover that two more fine bloggers have linked to me.

Roger L. Simon

is a successful and distinguished author and quite an inspiring guy. I am really flattered that he likes my blog and has linked to me. An award-winning mystery writer, he has a number of famous novels in print, as well as an excellent blog. Read it!

And check out his new book while you're at it. I just ordered a copy, and I can't wait to read it.

The fascinating story of the creation of "hippie private eye Moses Wine," which turned the author's life around, is right there at his blogsite. A "happy accident" (as if hard work and talent are accidental) became a famous book (translated into a dozen languages) and was made into a hit film -- "The Big Fix" -- starring Richard Dreyfus.

That a guy of this caliber would link to me is just too cool for words.


Mike Silverman

is one of the very first blogs I discovered. He so inspired me that one of the first things I did as a blogger was to imitate him shamelessly.

Read Mike's post today about screwball "gay activists" engaged in anti-Israel bigotry. This same outfit (Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism) refuses to condemn Islamic bigots who kill homosexuals, and they spend most of their time hassling ordinary people whose only crime is to have a cup of coffee at Starbucks. They get a well-deserved fisking.

Also today, Mike links to a fascinating morality test. I took it, and was not surprised to see how low I rank on the morality scale. Too permissive… But then, I never had to raise kids, so I can't be too judgmental about the people out there who are not permissive. (I just don't like the idea of turning the nation into a giant kindergarten.)

Mike Silverman is one of the best in the business, and I am honored for the link.

posted by Eric on 06.19.03 at 12:36 AM


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