Fine old cannibals

Well, from what I've been reading, Uganda's former cannibal-in-chief is still dead. This time, apparently "he's not only really dead, he's really most sincerely dead."

But anyone who thinks monstrous, Idi Amin-style tyranny died with Amin should read this.

Why does the West systematically ignore African butchery? Fear of being seen as racist? (I am not being facetious; this film was called racist when it was made!)

If such a double standard isn't racist, then what is?


Why was there never any extradition and trial?

Glenn Reynolds links to this story, which speculates that the Saudis may find it unacceptable to "let an African Muslim potentate be toppled, tried and convicted by a predominantly Christian African state."

Yeah, I guess Muslim hegemony and Western guilt allowed Amin to live out his life in serenity and tranquility.

But what about this guy (Eichmann's right hand man, Alois Brunner)? He's no Muslim, but the most vicious Nazi war criminal alive. (At least I think he's still alive.) For the life of me, I don't understand. Again, why no extradition and trial?

Let's follow Austin Bay's Idi Amin speculation, with a twist:

The Saudis Our Mideastern allies simply will not let an African Muslim potentate a leading Nazi Holocaust engineer be toppled, tried and convicted by a predominantly Christian African Jewish state.

Sounds logical to me. But at least the Saudi spin machine tried to put the best face on Amin. Brunner, on the other hand, made this statement to the Chicago Sun Times:

"The Jews deserved to die. I have no regrets. If I had the chance I would do it again..."

Do it again? Maybe Brunner is also getting a pass for being "anti-colonialist."

For such an old man, I think his survival strategy is very hip. We all know that colonialists should be nuked.

posted by Eric on 08.19.03 at 10:11 AM


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