Something in the offing....

Driving most of the night and sleeping in my car got me from Des Moines to Rapid City, and I am almost as frazzled as this sucky-ass Internet connection.

Yes, I did say "sucky ass!" I am allowed to say that, because politically correct cowardly nerds cannot censor my blog. Not that I enjoy being deliberately vulgar, but when I read stories like this (link thanks to Instapundit), why, I feel like letting loose with a torrent of the foulest, good-old all-American profanity I can muster.

Imagine, censoring the word "suck!" I am quite familiar with the origins of this cowardly movement, which at one time even demanded that words like "asshole" be banned. (Words that "use in a denigrating way any part of the human anatomy.")

The word "suck" was called "homophobic" in San Francisco in the 1980s, and its use discouraged (apparently to assuage the sensibilities of people who believe they possess a proprietary interest in these things).

It would appear that some of this political correctness may have covertly seeped its way into mainstream journalism. It is the simpering closet that will not speak its name or something, and if I believed in feeling shame because of the actions of others, it would make me ashamed to be gay.

Back in the 1970s, I hated disco. At least, I grew tired of it. I had one of those T-shirts which said "DISCO SUCKS!" and when one day I read an editorial in the gay weekly, the "Bay Area Reporter" claiming that this slogan was "homophobic" I grew very confused. After all, the right to suck is a right which I defend vigorously, and it really sucks to say it's homophobic to say that something other than actual sucking sucks, because many of the the people who are saying that are not against sucking at all! In fact, they want nothing more. True, most of those who use the word "suck" in a "denigrating" manner are heterosexual, but then, so are most people who suck and most people who get sucked!

If you want to get down (now come on; I didn't mean it that way) to the heart of the matter, there may be a certain undertone of sexual frustration behind the use of the word. They like having it done to them, but don't want to actually do it, might secretly resent those who do because of the unfulfillable sexual indebtedness created -- but on the other hand DEFINITELY resenting those who don't. Thus "suck" inevitably becomes a put-down -- not of the various people (whether male, female, heterosexual or homosexual) who engage in fellatio, but of life's frustrations, irritating things, and irritating people -- people who most often do NOT suck in the literal sexual sense.

The use of "suck" is certainly not homophobic, because I use it, and I do not fear homosexuals or homosexuality, so I cannot be homophobic. (I won't touch the issue of sexual indebtedness, OK? This has gone far enough.)

I suppose it could be argued that the term is sexist as well, but that really isn't fair either. The term does not insult or degrade women or homosexuals. It accomplishes a transference -- a projection, if you will, of sexual frustration onto resented concepts, objects or people. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is neither new nor abnormal. Freud discussed it years ago, and my observations are not original.

Obviously, sexual frustration is not the greatest thing in the world. Frankly, I think sexual frustration sucks. But the imposition of sexual guilt is far worse. Politically correct prudishness is in my view more dangerous than "traditional" prudishness, because the latter would have censored only the word "suck" in the sexual context. Here, the natural, ubiquitously human concept of sexual frustration is being censored.

And I am pissed. And not because I have to take a piss. I am pissed over the frustration of sexual frustration, because nothing could be more frustrating than the frustration of frustration. Have these people no sense of decency? What the hell are they trying to do? Restore "traditional values" by means of politically correct legerdemain -- some Dworkin-Falwell collusion?

I'm pissed. And it sucks to be pissed.

Words can be so arbitrary and tyrannical anyway. They frustrate me to the point I'm PISSED OFF.

(I think I am allowed to say that. But, if I put the word "off" after the past tense of the word "suck".... might not the loss of my wholesome PG-13 family rating be in the "offing?")

posted by Eric on 08.03.03 at 02:53 AM


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You know what George Carlin said....a c**ksucker is a BAD man, but a GOOD woman.....

Susie   ·  August 5, 2003 04:29 AM

Hmmmm, interesting. I wonder if he's talking about the same person.

Eric   ·  August 6, 2003 02:53 AM

so i was thinking while eating my cereal today...why is the website teaching me so much..and then it hit me....because i am from texas and though many think i am retarded...i say woah...noah....i ain't spiten...clinton

jack e. jett
the jack e. jett show

jack e. jett   ·  October 7, 2003 07:58 PM

hey what is up with this united states of ameriCA?

anna nicole is loosing poundage. geroge w. bush is killing people in the name of missing wmd's.

rush limbaugh is all fucked up.

aging homosexuals are on pot tv.

sin is everywhere.

mel gibson is a dildo.

jack e. jett

jack e .jett   ·  February 10, 2004 08:36 PM

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