Your local station and Al Gore don't want you to see this!

Cynic that I am, I am amazed that a documentary taking issue with the anthropogenic theory of Global Warming managed to find its way onto television, but it has.

And on British television at that!

I guess we're a little behind on this side of the ocean, although I'm a bit surprised, because the usual stereotype is that media bias in Europe is worse than here.

Not so in this case.

Here's Noel Sheppard from Newsbusters:

With American media falling all over themselves in unbridled adoration for soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore while they generate totally unwarranted hysteria over climate change, it seems impossible to imagine a televised documentary debunking the junk science surrounding this issue.

Yet, across the Pond, our greatest ally, Great Britain, has done exactly that.

The program is called "The Great Global Warming Swindle," and the entire must-see video has been posted at Google

Earthtimes has its review, and Newsbusters discusses an interview with director Martin Durkin about the frenzied fight against the documentary.

The documentary is over an hour long and can be watched in its entirety at YouTube (and here's the Google version), but I thought I'd supply an eight minute teaser version (which follows).

Needless to say, George Monbiot (and, I'm sure, all of his Biotic moonbots) are hopping mad.

But the big question on my mind is What Would Al Gore Say?

I'd call Al Gore and ask him to comment, but I doubt he'd talk to me -- even if I said I was with the country's leading values site. However, Steven Milloy says this:

When I met Al Gore in January 2006 after a presentation of his climate slideshow, I asked him if he'd be interested in setting up a public debate between climate scientists. He declined - twice. At this point, I'd settle for a movie face-off - "An Inconvenient Truth" vs. "The Great Global Warming Swindle."

Let the public see both sides of the story and then we'll see who's believable and who's not.

At this point I'm just glad we still have free speech for evil deniers (even if it has to be imported from abroad).

Here's the eight minute teaser.

(The link is here if the video won't work in your browser.)

MORE (03/16/07): Here's Dr. Helen, on a Pajamas Media report about how quickly a recent global warming debate changed the minds of a New York audience:

I am certainly glad that Crichton and his colleagues changed some minds at the debate but it makes me wonder, "Isn't it kind of astounding that such a high percentage of people changed their minds about global warming over one debate?" It makes me wonder what happens when An Inconvenient Truth is shown in schools without any scientists or experts on the other side to balance out the views of global warming advocates. If adults can change their mind this quickly when given another view of global warming or perhaps any political message for that matter, then what does it do to kids to give them one side of an issue without equally presenting the other side?
I think it indicates that Americans (even those who are assumed to be left wing) are inherently skeptical about political messages.

Not that I blame them. I often wish people would learn to think for themselves.

But do they have time?

AND MORE: I think this phenomenon may be a classic illustration of why Al Gore is against media balance.

posted by Eric on 03.15.07 at 06:02 PM


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I haven't heard the media any actual scientific data or reasoning (including this video) for either side of the argument. In general, the media is totally inept at reporting anything science related. The facts reported by the media are of the nature that some one said this and that; not that those statements are necessarily true or false. Unless you have an understanding of atmospheric sciences, it would be an arbitrary decision to take either side on this argument. If I had just one wish, I'd wish for all the media in all the world to can their political rhetoric and publish some real information.

DH   ·  March 15, 2007 08:02 PM

Scientific fact and funding do not always agree, if the objective of the global warming movement is to generate funding for real scientific studies, the truth will be exposed.

hugh Scheie   ·  March 16, 2007 01:49 PM

My prediction is that global warming is real and man-made, but not caused by CO2, so both sides will claim victory in twenty years.

With that bit of fence-straddling out of the way, the point is that there are still so many unkowns involved that any action would be contraindicated. Imagine going in to see your doctor because you feel "off" and getting a drug-he doesn't know what you have and he isn't sure what the drug will do, but there may (or may not) be a problem, so he gives it to you. If only politicans had to take the Hippocratic oath...

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