What Would RINOs do? Why, stampede to the polls!

This week the RINOs are raging at Don Surber's blog. Great posts all -- so don't miss them!

I especially agree with Don's conclusion:

We're RINOs. We do not agree with everything the Republicans do. But we are Republicans. The national party did not abandon Lincoln Chafee -- or Rick Santorum. Big tent. Vote.
Agree. Any tent big enough to hold RINOs and elephants is a pretty big one (as the carnival reminds).

So do what RINOs do, and what makes Rahm Emanuel nervous.


posted by Eric on 11.06.06 at 11:36 AM


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I'm as dumb as a box of rocks. I meant to mention this when I saw it, and I forgot. Someone actually went through and looked at the stated positions of the 45 Democrats who have any real chance of winning house seats this election day, and 30 of them are pro-war and against timelines, redeployment, and all the other euphemisms for managed defeat. So, I'd have to say that, in regards to the war, I don't feel this is an important election.

Now, on the other hand, electing a party that seems to think that raising the minimum wage is a higher calling is something I'm strongly against.

Jon Thompson   ·  November 6, 2006 07:48 PM

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