It's not fair that statues always have time!

I partied late into the night Philadephia last night, and I'll be a late night partier tonight in New York.

What that means is that I won't have had the amount of time I should have had for blogging, much less thinking. (As the last post shows, there are too many things I'd rather not think about which get in the way of the things I'd really rather not think about! Too much running about and not enough not thinking about is my problem this weekend.)

In Philly last night I took a picture of something they don't have and never had in New York:


On top of Philadelphia's City Hall is the famous statue of William Penn -- the top of whose hat was once mandated by a gentlemen's agreement to be the Highest Thing in Philadelphia.

Lots of things are higher today, but the statue -- and the hat -- still have, well, "attytood."

(So does the statue at the top of this blog, and he seems to be looking over my shoulder a lot lately. The time-and-perspective thing is something we mortals just wouldn't understand; it's a statue thing.)

But I'm on my way to New York for the weekend, so posting will probably be nonexistent for the rest of today at least.

Before I run, I'd like to thank A Second Hand Conjecture for the very kind words about this blog. (What I'd really like to know is how they knew Balvenie was my favorite SMS. Hat tip to Justin for discovering that wonderful blog BTW.)

posted by Eric on 10.07.06 at 12:15 PM


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